Disclaimer: Unfortunately for you and me, Star Trek Voyager is the property of Paramount Pictures, but we're free to add our own ideas right?

Author's Note: I don't know what's come over me today, but this is the third story I've written in 3 hours!



By Kathryn Murphy
Rated: G
July 1998 

They were gathered in the mess hall, the entire senior staff, and a good majority of the crew, for it was the last night of Prixin, and a grand celebration was underway.

Tom and B'Elanna were seated at a table with Kathryn and Chakotay, talking and laughing; enjoying the relaxed, loving atmosphere in the mess hall.

"Wait, wait, Kathryn what happened?" B'Elanna asked, holding up her hand.

"Well, as I said, we were in the arboretum and he started to walk toward me, moving slowly. He was almost standing in front of me, when... he tripped and landed in the pool, on top of Kes' floating Talaxian Chrilims. Oh my god B'Elanna, you should have seen him. I'll never forget the look on his face!" Kathryn replied, laughing at the memory.

Everyone around her was laughing, as visions of their second in command sprawled out in a pool of floating flowers, engulfed their imaginations.

"Gods Kathryn, why did you have to tell that story?" Chakotay asked, looking at her. She was so beautiful, relaxed and having a good time with her friends. And here he was nervous as hell; he shook his head, and continued talking. "I try to do something romantic for the woman I love, and I end up soaking wet!" he said.

Kathryn blushed at the double meaning of his words, hopping that no one else had understood. She looked around quickly, they hadn't. Good, she thought, no need to give them a picture of their commanding officers rolling around in the garden.

Chakotay looked back at Kathryn and then glanced up. The little Talaxian was walking toward them, tray in hand; the four wineglasses balanced in the middle.

Chakotay stood up, as Neelix indicated with a slight movement of his thumb, which ones he was to take. Tom grabbed the other two. Chakotay turned, and handed the glass to Kathryn.

"Thank You," she said, locking eyes with the man she loved.

He stole a quick glance at Tom, who nodded and winked. B'Elanna gave him a curious look. He was doing the right thing.

Chakotay watched intently as Kathryn brought the rim of the glass to her lips, and then suddenly stopped. She lowered the glass, as her eyes grew wide. There at the bottom of her glass, it sat, shining up at her. She stuck her index finger in the liquid, and slowly pulled it out.

Chakotay took the glass form her, and placed it on the table.

She held the ring in the palm of her hand, gazing intently at the strands of gold woven together. She could read her name, and Chakotay's as they intertwined with the precious metal; held together for eternity. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she could hear as Tom made a hushing sound, and the crowd in the mess hall immediately grew quiet.

Chakotay took her hand in his, running his finger over her palm, and the ring, pressing in into her hand, caressing them both, as he knelt before her. He looked into those beautiful blue eyes, and what he saw there, made him fall in love with her all over again; love, pure unrestrained love, coming from the depth of her heart and soul.


"Kathryn," he began, not completely trusting his own voice. "I know that this relationship was hard for both of us in the beginning, but as our love for each other grew, we became one, in body and spirit." He paused, and looked deeply into those blue eyes, "I once told you that the Angry Warrior had found the true meaning of peace." He took her hand and placed it over his heart, "You are my peace, always and forever. Kathryn, will you marry me?"

By now, tears were falling freely over her cheeks. Her eyes traveled the length of his face, before meeting with his.

Blue locked with obsidian, now and forever.

She reached her other hand slowly to his cheek, and ran her thumb under his eye, wiping away his tears, "I love you so much," she whispered, and then she smiled. Her special smile, meant only for him, and spoke softly. "Yes."

"Yes?" he asked.

"Yes!" she stated, her smile growing, her eyes never leaving his.

"Yes! She said yes everybody!" she could hear Tom's voice behind her. The crowd in the mess hall suddenly erupted in cheers, and knowing smiles, as Chakotay placed the ring on her finger, and gathered his love into his arms, holding her tightly, and kissing her softly.

A promise of friendship, of trust, and above all love had been exchanged, never to be broken. As the metal of the ring held their names together; their hearts held their love together in a never-ending embrace. For eternity.




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