Two months after Opportunity.


day 1
1700 hours

Kathryn Janeway was bored. She had started and not finished several reports and what seemed like a half-dozen books over the past month. Presently she was sitting on her sofa looking at nothing. She picked up a book, took one look at the title and put it down. She couldn't even fathom why she had decided to read 'A Turn of the Screw' again. It hadn't even been a satisfactory Holonovel.

"This is ridiculous," she muttered to the walls. And for possibly the 400th time that month, contemplated storming into sickbay and demanding the baby be born now. She was now almost 2 weeks past her due date, and the Doc had made it very clear that he would not do anything until the baby was ready to come. Well, there was nothing she could do about it. This child was being decidedly mutinous. Refusing a direct order from the Captain.

There was one person on Voyager who might be more anxious than herself, and that was Chakotay. There were times he could be downright paranoid about her well being. He was becoming increasingly concerned about her and their unborn child. She had stopped telling him about every pain. Every time she had a contraction, he had come close to carrying her to sickbay.

And he had a ship to command...

This was probably what she disliked the most--the loss of control. He teased her about it, but would spend an hour or so almost every evening briefing her on the day's happenings.

She stood and started pacing: she was becoming increasingly restless. She rubbed the small of her back. A smile flicked across her face. It was just possible...

She stopped at her window to watch the stars stream by. So much had happened in the three years since coming to the Delta Quadrant. Some bad, some good and some downright strange. Voyager had become their home. A small Alpha-Quadrant-island, that had become much more.


2100 hours

Chakotay entered their quarters and looked around. He could hear her humming in the other room. "Hello!"

"Hello, yourself," she called back just before looking into the living quarters. "How's my ship?"

"Ship's fine. Engineering is almost finished with the prototype for the new photon torpedo. The simulation results look good. B'Elanna hopes to be able to test it in a week." He watched her walk (closer to waddle) into the room. "How are you doing?" He frowned as she sat down. His face clearly showing his concern.

"I've been better. Will you stop fussing. Kes and the Doc are doing enough of that." She grinned at him. "I think I'll try to make it to those tests. Beats sitting around here."

He went to her and started massaging her shoulders. "Bad day?"

"No worse than the previous twelve. I knew I shouldn't have given up command of the ship. I mean it isn't as if anything has happened."

That was true, Voyager was passing through one of the emptiest regions of space they'd been in over the past three years. They hadn't even found signs of anybody having ever passed through this region. Still, there were signs of that some cataclysmic event had happened here--though not less than ten years earlier. Janeway had kept up to date with the research reports, the data was just very inconclusive.

She felt herself start to relax. "That feels good," she said with a slight giggle--remembering back to the first back-rub he'd ever given her.

"The least I can do. Not much to report, I told you about the torpedo. Oh, Neelix tried to torch the kitchen again. This time I told him, positively no more cherries flambé. Or whatever. Stellar asked for a slight detour to investigate the possible remains of a neutrino star--it will only take a couple of days so we will. You've seen their reports today?"

She nodded. "Thanks. Did you eat something this evening?"

"Yea. Before Neelix prepared the dessert. That was pretty spectacular. No damage or injuries."

She shifted position, couldn't get comfortable, so she stood.

"Are you sure you're all right?" Chakotay asked.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Worst case of insubordination I've ever seen. Your child absolutely refuses to obey my commands."

He laughed. "That must be your genes. Neelix has scheduled another movie tonight, interested?"

"You can go, but I don't think I can sit still that long." She smiled when he shook his head. She wanted the company.

"A round of gin?" He asked as he grabbed the deck of cards.

"Think you can beat me?" She sat back down he sat down beside her after pulling a table over.

"I might be feeling lucky." He dealt the cards quickly and watched her as she frowned and put her cards in order.

"Misdeal?" she said, then shrugged her shoulders when he shook his head.

They played six hands before she conceded defeat and announced her intentions to try to sleep. He followed her into their bedroom and sat down on the bed to watch her change.

She looked at him, "Would you please tell me what you find so fascinating?"

"You, the child. Life." He stood and took her in his arms. "I love you." He kissed her gently. "Any idea when?"

"Most likely soon. I hope." She smiled at him. "I love you too." They kissed again.


She was restless and her back was sore. She was aware of the man sleeping beside her, and felt guilty. If she didn't fall asleep soon, she'd wake him. And Chakotay had a busy day tomorrow.

Kathryn Janeway's last thought as she fell asleep, was that tomorrow had the potential to be a very interesting day.


day 2
0630 hours

He looked at her sleeping on their bed. Kathryn had taken a long time to finally fall asleep. It seemed a shame to wake her. Silently he slipped out of their quarters.

"Good morning, Commander," Tom called out. "How's she doing?" B'Elanna was standing behind him.

"She's asleep," he said quietly--even though the door was closed and any noise from the corridors wouldn't disturb her. "She's planning on coming to the test of the new photon-torpedo prototype." He looked at Tom and B'Elanna. "Is there something I should know?" Both were smiling. She handed him a data PADD.

He glanced at it. Eyes widening in surprise he looked at B'Elanna. "When did we get this?"

"Just minutes ago. I've got engineering preparing a probe." B'Elanna said. "We should be arriving within three hours... Chakotay, we don't know anything for sure... yet. Let her sleep." The Commander had started to re-enter his quarters. He just nodded and they made their way to the bridge.


0900 hours+

Commander Chakotay sat in the Captain's chair and ran his hand through his hair. With each passing day the wait became worse. Kathryn was almost two weeks late. He almost contacted the Doctor again. Four weeks ago she had finally taken her leave of absence, or at least as much leave as she was willing to take.

"Commander, the distortion is 1000 kilometers to starboard. Increased neutrino emissions." Harry was no longer the green kid of three years back. He controlled his rising excitement as he sent the scans to the viewscreen.

The distortion danced silently, filling the region of the space, with intermingling purples and blues, forming a ringed pattern of constantly changing dimensions.

The entire bridge crew watched with fascination as they approached. "Tom, take us to fifty kilometers and hold at that position." Chakotay looked at the data on the terminal. "Harry?"

"It's a wormhole. Sir, has engineering prepared the probe?"

Chakotay nodded, "Yes. Bridge to engineering."

"Torres here. We're monitoring the wormhole. We're almost ready with the probe."

"Good, keep me informed."

Paris called out. "Sir, at fifty kilometers and maintaining."

Chakotay sat on the edge of his seat. What if... crossed his mind. He tapped his combadge to contact the Captain.


Kathryn Janeway was in her quarters doing nothing (again). She had tried several times to settle down and read (anything), but she was too restless. She resisted the urge to go to sickbay, there was nothing the Doc could do until she was ready.

She paced around her room again, noted the ship was slowing and stopping. Puzzled she went to her terminal and displayed the ship's status. Fascinated at what she found, she finally sat down and started to read. When her combadge chirped, she smiled. "Janeway here."

"Captain, we're investigating an anomaly..."

"So I noticed, Commander." She looked at the terminal again. "It seems to be a moderately stable wormhole." At least this end is, she added to herself. She sat and looked at the data, wondering what it would mean if... When she felt a spasm of pain begin in her lower back...


B'Elanna looked at her crew, then back at the final pre-launch check of the probe. The atmosphere in engineering was heavy with anticipation. She tapped her combadge. "Torres to Kim, the probe is ready for launch."

Harry placed his right thumb on the switch and announced all was ready. On the Commander's signal he flicked the switch launching the probe.

The bridge was silent as they watched the probe enter the wormhole and disappear. Throughout the ship, people were silent as they watched their screens and continued with their jobs. Anticipation was high, but so was the uncertainty of the what ifs. What if they get home? What if it doesn't lead to the alpha quadrant? A thousand what ifs...

"Data coming in sir." Harry said as the first of the data reached the ship."

The turbo-lift opened and B'Elanna stepped out. She moved to her station and started her analysis. Preliminary data looked promising she thought, not at all sure what her feelings were about the what ifs...


1300 hours

Kathryn had spent the morning looking at the data and reading the reports that were being sent from the various departments. Chakotay had contacted her three times to let her know the probe's status.

She pulled up a file she'd created when they had first been pulled into the delta quadrant. She'd promised him that she would fight for the Maquis crew when they returned... So much depended on how things had changed. She sat up suddenly, another spasm starting in her lower back. She waited for it to pass and settled back to work on the file.

His Maquis and her Starfleet crews had melded into one so easily. Sure there had been problems... Okay, disasters. But Seska and Jonas were history. Since then the Maquis had proven to be real assets to the ship.

She stopped. Then there was Chakotay... Going home now could be real interesting. Considering everything...

Nine months ago Q had tried to seduce her, but in the end left her in Chakotay's bed... That had been the first time: and by her calculations also when she'd conceived. Q's way of protecting her from the Continuum. Apparently it had worked. They hadn't seen any sign of any Q since then.

She smiled. Home. 

Voyager was her home, it would be strange to return to the Alpha Quadrant and Starfleet.

How would they react, Captains do not start families with their First Officers--or marry wanted felons. Nor do they...

She remembered their wedding--very simple with the senior staff present. The rest of the ship had listened over the ship's communication system. Three days after Tom and B'Elanna's wedding. Ever since she'd told him about her pregnancy he'd hinted that they should get married. She'd resisted, worried about what Starfleet and the crew would say. The crew had been an excuse and Starfleet was far away... Had been far away...

She smiled as the unborn child kicked her. "Calm down," she said quietly. "I know it must be frustrating for you too."


1500 hours

Throughout the day, everybody's attention had been riveted to their monitors. Watching and waiting.

The probe was being bounced about in the wormhole, and the quality and quantity of data was diminishing.

As the time came for the shift change, the beta shift personnel had gathered on the bridge and watched their stations. Chakotay looked around, with a slight smile. He doubted that alpha shift would leave willing. He couldn't leave. There was too much happening. He briefly wondered what would happen if it led to the alpha-quadrant. After three years of constant travel how the crew would settle down. Could they?

He looked at Paris, "Tom you have the bridge, I'll be in the ready room." The beta-shift were taking their stations. Alpha shift showed no signs of leaving.

Harry hovered by his station, constantly reading over the shoulder of Ensign Dill.

Even Tuvok was hovering. Only Vulcan's don't hover. He was working on the tactical situation. If they transversed the wormhole, they would be entering new territory--even if it was the alpha-quadrant--they had no idea what kind of welcome they would receive.

Tom smiled when B'Elanna returned to the bridge. She went to the engineering station after smiling quickly in return.


1730 hours

Chakotay pulled up the most recent report from the probe and looked at it. Tapping his combadge he contacted the Captain.

Janeway was also reading the report when he contacted her. "Janeway here."

"Kathryn," he responded. "Bored?"

She laughed. "Not today. You?"

He joined in her laughter. "Not at all. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine," she responded, no point in telling him everything. "It's going to be a rough trip."

"Yes, I'll probably end up spending the night on the bridge."

Just as well, he doesn't need anything else to worry about. "Oh well." She gasped as another pain began. Fortunately it didn't carry.

"Kathryn..." He didn't finish, some things he just couldn't say over a combadge.


2230 hours

Chakotay shook his head and stretched his neck before tapping his combadge. "Chakotay here."

"Commander the probe has exited the wormhole," Ensign Dill said.

"Very good, have the senior staff meet in the ready room in half an hour."

"Very good sir."

Chakotay sat up on the couch. He'd actually gotten some sleep. He hated sleeping on the ready-room couch. But he hadn't wanted to disturb Kathryn if he had to get up in the middle of the night. He thought about contacting her, but decided to let her sleep.


B'Elanna giggled when Tom kissed her. "You find this amusing?" He asked dangerously as he grabbed her arms.

She smiled, "Hysterically so." She ducked when he tried to kiss her again, she was able to grab a pillow and swatted him with it.

Tom started to laugh, grabbed another pillow--but the chirping of a combadge stopped him from swinging it at her. "Paris here," he said as he grabbed the combadge off the table by the bed.

"Lieutenant, the probe has cleared the wormhole."

Tom looked at B'Elanna and shrugged. "We'll be there. Paris out."

She tossed his shirt at him. "Get dressed, duty before pleasure." She wiggled her hips as she grabbed her uniform.

"Then stop teasing," he remarked as he pulled his turtleneck on. He paused, "It seems so strange..."

"We don't even know where the wormhole ends. For all we know it sends us back to Kazon space." She finished putting her boots on. "Well shall we."

Tom laughed as he took his wife's arm. "My dear, another long night awaits."


2300 hours

"The hole does not open into the alpha-quadrant," Harry said as he entered the briefing room. He noticed the looks of disappointment. "The data's pretty garbled. Stellar just finished their analysis: it will bring us to within fifteen light years. The probe suffered extensive damage during its passage. We've only got fragments of information about the terminus." He went to the computer and pulled up the data.

B'Elanna looked at Tom and smiled before speaking. "Commander, shield modifications will be ready in a half-hour. The high neutrino radiation could be a problem and the turbulence definitely will be a problem."

Chakotay nodded.

Harry had been looking at the incoming data, turned around quickly. "Sir, we've just lost contact with our probe." Harry's fingers flew over the terminal as he tried to re-establish contact with it.

"Can you re-establish contact?"

"No, sir. No reason as to loss of contact. Possibly an explosion, the last data we received is extremely garbled." He worked to unscramble the last few minutes of the data, as the others silently contemplated the wormhole.


Kes listened as Kathryn finished her conversation with Chakotay. "Well?"

Kathryn smiled. "We're going. As soon as the necessary modifications are made." She stood and stretched. "It's going to be a very rough trip."

"You'd better ride this out in sickbay. You haven't told him."

Kathryn shook her head. "No, the ship is going to require his full attention."


Chakotay turned back to the group, Kathryn had seemed pleased with the data from the probe. Possibly she was a little concerned about the disappearance. "Anything?" He asked Harry.

"Nothing. The probe is definitely gone. There is some indication it might have exploded or run into something."

B'Elanna continued, "Shield modifications are ready. We will constantly be monitoring the shields and modifying them as needed."

"Good. We're ready then. Tuvok, have security and sickbay standing by. This is going to be a rough trip." He stood and the others followed him onto the bridge. He sat in the Captain's chair as he announced. "Red alert, shields at maximum. Tom, ahead full impulse."

Tom smiled as he guided the ship toward the entrance.


2330 hours

Kathryn sat in the doctor's office watching the ship's progress on his terminal. It was still too early for the Doc or Kes to pay much attention to her. She had a bed, if she felt tired, but the excitement was too much. She looked up as Kes walked by--they were preparing for possible injuries, when the ship lurched violently to the port side. "Here goes," she said as she grabbed the desk.


It would take almost nine hours to pass through the wormhole at full impulse. The turbulence was bad enough, that B'Elanna had advised against warp speeds--it would only increase the risk of severe damage.

Kathryn took one last look at the computer before she lay down on the bed to try to get some sleep. But between the tossing of the ship and her contractions, she suspected she wouldn't sleep much.


Day 3
0530 hours

Kathryn had been up three hours pacing nervously around sickbay. There had been a couple of minor casualties. Joe Carey had fallen off the catwalk in engineering and broken his wrist. The Captain had stayed out of sight--not wanting anyone to know she was there. All Chakotay could do was worry about her, and she was doing enough worrying for both.

Presently sickbay was empty. Kathryn grasped the table as another contraction began. "Isn't there some way to hurry this up," she gasped.

The Doc shook his head as the ship pitched violently. After several more bumps the Doc reached Janeway. "But I think we'd better have you lie down."


After the Doc had gained his freedom from sickbay, one of the unused labs had been converted to a maternity ward. It was to this new room that Kes escorted the Captain. It offered privacy and was more comfortable than sickbay.

Kes smiled as the Captain looked around, "There's a terminal over here." She pointed to the corner. "But it would be best if you remained in bed..."

Kathryn groaned, she wanted to keep informed. "I..." She clutched her belly as another contraction started.


0700 hours

The ship lurched hard to port, Chakotay grabbed the arm of the chair and swore quietly. He looked around quickly. "Report."

Harry pulled himself off the floor and looked. "Minor damage to decks three and four," Harry said as he rubbed his right hand. He'd just twisted it breaking his fall.

Chakotay noticed, "Ensign, your hand?"

Harry smiled sheepishly, "Just a sprain, sir."

"Get to sickbay."

"Sir..." Harry decided not to argue as his replacement stepped up behind him. He turned and exited.

Chakotay watched him leave and turned back to his console. "Bridge to engineering."

"Torres here," came the prompt reply.

"Progress on repairs to the long range sensors." They'd been damaged by the severe turbulence at the entrance.

"We should have limited long range sensors in 15 minutes. Complete repairs still don't know."

Chakotay grimaced. They were coming to the end of the wormhole. "Keep me informed."


Harry had almost made it to sickbay when the ship was bounced about again. The amount of turbulence seemed to be increasing again as they neared the exit. He slid to the floor and waited. It passed quickly and he finished the trip.

There was only one person in sickbay. "Rose," Harry asked as he looked around. "Where is everyone."

She smiled. "They seem to have something more important than my shoulder. Kes gave me something for the pain, then bolted out of here..." Her smile grew bigger at Harry's puzzled look.

"More important..." His eyes opened wide. "But he doesn't know..."

"And she wants to keep it that way, for the moment." Kes entered. "You're here for?" She too was smiling.

"My wrist. How's the Captain doing?"

"Fine." She grabbed a tricorder and scanned his wrist. "Sprained." She grabbed the tissue regenerator and ran it over his hand. "How does that feel?" She asked a minute later.

"Good. The Captain..."

Kes smiled. "She's fine Harry." She moved to Rose and started to repair her shoulder. "And does not want this general knowledge yet."

Both Ensigns smiled. "Word of honor." Rose said. Harry agreed.


0830 hours

"Chief Medical Officer's log stardate 50972. At Zero eight fifteen, a girl was born to Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay." He turned to look at his patients. The Captain was holding her child. "Captain, you should rest."

She nodded. She didn't argue when Kes came and gently lifted the sleeping infant out of Kathryn's arms. The baby squirmed a little, but didn't wake as Kes placed her in the incubator.


0837 hours

The edges of the wormhole seemed to dance invitingly as Voyager neared the end. "Slow to quarter impulse," Chakotay called out as the ship was buffeted by the last wave of turbulence before clearing the wormhole. "All stop."

Harry looked at his monitor, "Long range scanners are off line again..." There was a pause as he pulled some data and flicked a couple of switches. "Commander, I'm showing a number of ships just at the maximum range of our short-range sensors."

Chakotay sat up. "On screen." Everybody looked at the screen. "Magnify." The ships appeared only slightly bigger.

"They're approaching us," Harry said.

"Hail them."

"No response, sir. Trying alternate frequencies... Still no response."

Chakotay shook his head, "Tom set a new heading 156.9 warp 8."

They watched the screen--it was very obvious that the ships had changed course to a new intercept course.

"Commander, there are fifteen ships, battle cruisers, heavily armed. Fifteen minutes to intercept--they are arming their weapons."

"Battle stations." Chakotay tapped his combadge. "Bridge to engineering. B'Elanna how soon before long-range sensors are online."

"Thirty minutes..."


0845 hours

Kathryn Janeway closed her eyes and was fast falling asleep. She was exhausted, yet exhilarated. Her breathing slowed as sleep overtook her...

The ship shook, the lights blinked and her eyes opened quickly. "What the Hell," she muttered. "That was a phaser blast."

Kes was immediately at her side. "We're under attack."

Janeway looked startled. "What..." She started to reach for her combadge but stopped. He didn't need any distractions. She instead stood. Kes didn't argue, but offered a shoulder as the still unsteady Captain moved to sit at a computer terminal. She looked at the various data and frowned. "Out of the frying pan, into the fire..."

"Captain?" Kes asked.

"Old proverb... Damn long range sensors are down." She smiled as she watched the screen as Tom plotted another evasive course. The kid was a damn fine pilot. Voyager had ducked behind a star. Should give us a few minutes. She looked at the analysis of the ships. Fifteen ships with impressive fire power and defensive systems. She shook her head. "What have we landed in the middle of..." The ship shook again. "They aren't trying very hard," she said aloud.

Kes looked at her puzzled. Janeway noticed the look and finished the thought. "With all their superior fire power, they could have destroyed us by now..." The ship lurched, the lights blinked again.

"We've got wounded. You going to be all right?"

She smiled, "I hope so." The baby whimpered. "Go, I can't do too much harm, now." She went over and picked up the child. "Hello Maria. Everything will be fine." I hope. She sat down at the terminal and watched the screen while singing quietly to their child.


Chakotay swore quietly under his breath when the first alien ship rounded the star. Tom plotted another evasive maneuver and Voyager bolted from it's hiding place, three ships in pursuit--the other 12 coming in to block Voyager's escape.

"Commander, they're herding us." Tom said suddenly.

"What?" Chakotay noticed that even Tuvok looked startled.

"They're herding us back to the wormhole. That might explain why none of the blasts have caused major damage."

"He is correct Commander. They are positioning themselves so that we have only the one option." Tuvok said, no longer looking startled.

Tom plotted another course, who ever they were, they were good. Voyager's options were limited--return to the wormhole or try to fight through 15 heavily armed ships... He plotted a course back to the wormhole--but kept his eyes open for other options.


0930 hours

Kathryn Janeway was watching their progress from the maternity room. Maria had settled down and was asleep again in the incubator that she had moved to be by the terminal. The Captain had made the same conclusion a few minutes after Tom had. Only a few minutes ago, the long range scanners had come back on-line. The same devastation they'd found at the other end of the wormhole, was here. There were signs of life--especially on the fringes. The only time the ships fired was when Voyager deviated from a course back to the wormhole. A little dejected she reached down to stroke her baby's face. "Well, it seems, we aren't going to be getting back to the Alpha Quadrant any time soon." She looked at the screen again. They would be entering the wormhole in minutes.


"All stop," Chakotay called out at thirty kilometers from the entrance. "Hail them." The fifteen ships positioned themselves around Voyager, but made no hostile move. Curiouser and curiouser, he thought.

"Still no response, sir." Harry said.

"Keep trying..." The best they might do is destroy four ships, before the other eleven could destroy Voyager. Retreat was not a pleasant option, but the other choice was decidedly worse. Whoever they are, they want Voyager to return to the wormhole--not destroy us. At least so far. "Harry, analysis of the devastation," Chakotay said suddenly as an idea hit him.

"Its similar to what we saw at the other end, just not as extensive. Sir, whatever did this came through the wormhole?"

"Not whatever, who." Tuvok said slowly. "It is a logical assumption, someone passed through the wormhole and devastated the area. The survivors are protecting what is left."

Chakotay agreed. "Tuvok, open a channel. He stood. "This is the Commander of the starship Voyager, we would like to discuss receiving permission to pass through your territory, peacefully."

"No response, but the message was received," responded the Vulcan.

Harry added, "Sir, the ships are backing off." Indeed ten of the ships had backed off.

"A good will gesture. Lower shields to fifty percent." There were a few startled glances.

"Maintaining shields at fifty percent," Tuvok announced. He was ready to return them to maximum at the slightest provocation.

The bridge crew impatiently waited for a response. Tom sat tapping the navigation console, while Chakotay sat in the Captain's chair, trying to ignore the temptation to get up and pace.


1005 hours

Kes smiled as she stood in the doorway and watched the Captain and the infant. "The Doctor wants you to sleep."

Kathryn looked up. "I know. There's just too much going on." She looked at the screen, for twenty minutes they'd been sitting there waiting for a response. "Injuries?"

"Again nothing major." She laughed, "Harry was in with a sprained wrist, he knows..." She paused for a second, "What do they want?"

Kathryn shook her head, "I don't know. But they are apparently considering our request to negotiate."

Kes looked down at the baby. "She's going to look like her father. Maria is a pretty name."

"We both had grandmothers with that name." There was a beep and she quickly looked at the terminal. "Incoming signal..."


"Incoming signal," Tuvok announced.

Chakotay stood. "On screen."

A heavy set, humanoid with catfish like whiskers around his mouth and nose appeared on the screen. "I'm Admiral e'Les'ig of the Rachian. We are the Gatekeepers. You have used this passage without our permission."

"I'm Commander Chakotay of Federation Starship..."

"Yes, we received your message. Why do you use this passage?"

"Because we wish to return to our homes in the Alpha Quadrant."

The Admiral nodded in understanding. "You are in command of Voyager?"

"While our Captain is on leave, yes."

There was a pause as the alien Admiral consulted with someone of screen. He returned a couple of minutes later. "Commander, ten years ago a great evil appeared from the passage and wreaked havoc on our territory. You will excuse our paranoia, but we would like to negotiate with your Captain."

Chakotay shook his head, "She's on medical leave... I'll contact her."

Harry looked around quickly, fortunately nobody had noticed his giggle. He smiled slightly and concentrated on his screen. His smile grew bigger as he listened to the Commander start to contact the Captain.


A wicked smile played across her face as she listened to Chakotay fill her in on the situation. She winked at Kes when she responded. "Hmm, no. I've been following the situation. I'm not exactly dressed to talk with an Admiral. Tell Admiral e'Les'ig that I will be there in half-an-hour. Janeway out." She looked at Kes and grinned. "I'm still not going to fit into my uniform. I'm going to return my quarters to clean-up and change." She laughed. "Come on Kes, I'm going to need your help."

"Captain, the Doctor won't approve..." She followed the Captain out the door anyway.

They made it to the Captain's and Commander's quarters: after meeting only a couple of the crew, who had watched their Captain carrying the infant and then been threatened with loss of replicator rations if they said a word. Kathryn had silently laughed at their stunned looks. She didn't have time to do more than nod when they offered their congratulations.

Kathryn kissed the forehead of the child who stirred slightly, then handed her to Kes. Kes just shook her head and cooed to the infant girl.


1030 hours

Harry looked up from his console for the umpteenth time since Chakotay had contacted the Captain. He'd promised not to reveal anything, but that didn't stop him from smiling. Or trying to position himself so he could have the best view of the bridge, and especially of the new father.

"Ensign, is everything all right?" Tuvok asked.

Harry almost jumped. "Fine, Lieutenant." But he was still smiling.

Chakotay was concentrating on some data, but Tom had turned to look at his friend. He couldn't remember ever seeing Harry look so... jumpy. Harry had been injured, gone to sickbay... Tom started to smile as an idea leapt into his head. He caught the young Ensign's attention and silently asked a question with a raised eyebrow. Tom was rewarded with Harry's stunned look, then an affirmative answer.

They both heard the lift doors open and turned to look. Harry had planned on saying Captain on the bridge. Instead a stunned silence fell as Captain Janeway entered, looking tired and incredibly happy.

And carrying a small bundle ever so carefully.

Chakotay heard the lift open, but didn't look up from the repair reports. It was the silence that finally caused him to lift his eyes. Tom Paris was sitting there with the most overwhelming smile. And staring straight past the Commander. Chakotay started to stand...

"Mr. Tuvok, please contact Admiral e'Les'ig," she said as she looked around the bridge.

"Aye Captain." If Vulcans could look astonished, Tuvok would have been a classic example.

Kathryn turned to look at her second-in-command with a smile. She stepped toward him as the viewscreen again revealed the Gatekeeper's Admiral.

"Admiral e'Les'ig, I'm Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager. I understand that I need to ask you permission to pass through your space."

"Captain," the Admiral stumbled for words. "Yes. It is our policy to speak with the ranking official. I didn't..."

Janeway laughed. "I was a little indisposed. If you would excuse me, I would like to sit down." She moved to her chair, as Chakotay moved to his chair she again smiled at him and winked.

"No, not at all. Captain Janeway, uh... This is rather an unusual situation. All things considering, I can't believe that you have hostile intentions. Permission to pass granted. I will provide an escort of 3 ships. It will take you three weeks to pass through our space."

"We thank-you."

They had just cut about fifty years off their trip. They would see friends and family again. She acknowledged the Admiral's congratulations and stood. "Lieutenant Tuvok you have the bridge. I seem to have some important information to share with the Commander." The child in her arms stirred slightly as she stood. Chakotay silently moved to stand near her and for the first time looked at his daughter. His eyes started to moisten as had most of the crews.

Kathryn looked around, "Thank-you everybody. Chakotay and I... and Maria thank you." She smiled at Harry. "Ensign, you now have my permission to make the general announcement."

The lift doors had barely closed before Harry activated the comm-system and shouted, "It's a girl." The fact they were only fifteen years from the Alpha Quadrant was lost in the excitement of more important news.


1045 hours

As the lift doors closed behind them, Kathryn Janeway glanced at Chakotay sheepishly. "You all right?"

He didn't answer immediately, so intent was he on looking at his daughter. "You could have told me..."

"You had enough to worry about. Would it have made your job any easier?" She handed him their daughter.

Gingerly he took her, like a piece of fine china. "She's so small," he said quietly. The lift doors opened and they continued to walk to their quarters. "So beautiful, like her mother. Welcome to Voyager, Maria." They passed several crew, who smiled and whispered their congratulations.

In their quarters, he carefully placed Maria in the crib he had made. They stood next to each other and watched her sleep. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. The kiss was long and passionate. "Now, you look exhausted." He pulled her to the bed.  "Lie down and get some sleep." He sat beside her until she was asleep, then silently moved to sit by the cradle. "I can't promise," he whispered softly, "that I will be there for all the important events in your life. But I owe you for missing this one."


1245 hours

Kathryn stirred, something was crying. She opened her eyes and looked around. She moved to the cradle with only a quick glance at Chakotay--who was sitting against the wall, asleep. She reached down and picked up her daughter. "Sleep well Maria? I did--and so, apparently is your father. Your grandma once complained that the first thing your grandfather did was to learn to sleep through the crying." She laughed as the baby gurgled. "Shh, mustn't wake him."


1600 hours

Tom flopped on the bed and looked at B'Elanna. "You should have been there. Chakotay's face was worth the past three years alone. I don't know if I have ever seen anyone look so stunned in my life."

B'Elanna smiled, then laughed. "Really?" She picked up a mirror and handed it to Tom. "Here, look into this." Puzzled he took it and looked into the glass. "Tom, I'm pregnant."

The mirror fell to the floor with a clang.

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