Disclaimer: Paramount owns the Trek universe. They are as stingy as Veruca Salt. But, the Oompa-Loompa's said a bad egg will always get what they deserve. Paramount deserves a real J/C story. Note: This is the third installment on the Obla-De timeline. It would be helpful to have read the previous stories, but it is not necessary. |
Rules and Regulations | |
By: Sara Jordan "Captain, we have a problem." Well, that didn't take long. Thought Captain Janeway, Chakotay only opened the meeting two seconds ago. "What is it, B'Elanna?" "One of my gamma shift teams detected a significant fracture in the primary dilithium crystal. We are in serious danger of losing our warp capabilities." "Why didn't the computer detect it?" "Apparently a glitch in the self regulators that developed after the latest run-in with the Tileans." "And you discovered this last night? Why wasn't I informed immediately?" B'Elanna straightened slightly at the implied reprimand. "Captain, yesterday was Kol's birthday. The fracture is not an immediate danger, and so I chose to wait until this morning to inform you. I know how Katie reacts when our time is interrupted, I didn't want to spoil my So'Chem's birthday." Kathryn nodded her head. "I appreciate the thought, Commander, but in the future I'd like to be abreast of all such important discoveries." Torres nodded curtly. "Aye, Captain." "How long do we have before the crystals degrade beyond useful limits?" "I'd say no more than two months. The sooner we replace them, the less damage we risk to the chamber." The Doctor had been listening quietly. A confused look crossed his face and he spoke up. "Didn't we have a small supply of crystals to prevent a problem like this?" Janeway nodded at the EMH. "Yes, but our trade with the Netli seriously depleted our stockpile, and then a cascade during the Tileans attack forced us to use the last of the reserves." Chakotay shook his head. "The last few months have taken a serious toll on our supplies and equipment. Neelix was prepared to report on our food stores today." Janeway turned to the Talaxian. "How are our supplies, Mr. Neelix?" "Reaching serious proportions, Captain. We were due to resupply last week, but I was informed that our proximity to Tilean border prevented any side trips to suitable worlds. It is my estimate that we have about 6 to 8 weeks of food left. After that we will be down to our limited replicating abilities." Janeway sighed. How much longer must we endure this perpetual trek home? Food shortages, equipment failures, no supply lines. Starfleet has no idea what we are going through. The dismay that clouded her thoughts was completely hidden from her crew, at least to everyone but Chakotay-- he could probably guess what was going through her mind, but he wisely kept it to himself. "Alright," said Kathryn sounding every bit the confident and self-assured Starfleet Captain that she was. "We have less than two months to find suitable stores of both food and power. If we are resourceful that shouldn't prove too difficult. Tom, plot a search pattern along our course, we're looking for M-class planets with suitable plant life and any M or K-class planet with suitable dilithium deposits. Harry, your job is to find those deposits. Modify any sensors you might think will enhance our chances of locating what we need." She shifted her attention to Torres when the two men affirmed their orders. "B'Elanna, see if you can find any way to prolong the life of those crystals, just in case. You might start with the matter-antimatter interface regulator. Neelix, your job is to make sure the crew understands that this is nothing we can't handle." Satisfied that she had taken the first necessary steps, Janeway turned to her Exec. "Was there anything else we need to cover?" He shook his head, "No, Torres and Neelix were the only departments I had intended to call on. Unless someone has something they need to address, we're done." The Senior Staff remained silent. Janeway rose from her chair. "I want daily progress reports, people. Dismissed."
Two weeks later they had made no progress in locating a single planet that would satisfy their requirements. In fact they hadn't found anything -- no colonies, no other ships, no solar systems; just the emptiness of deep space. The wait was frustrating. They continued their race toward the Alpha Quadrant and their search for supplies, knowing that one was completely dependant on the other. Ships night found the Captain and First Officer happily munching sandwiches on the floor of their cabin, the problems of the search momentarily forgotten. Kathryn was managing to hide the smile and giggles that threatened to tumble past her lips at the scene before her, Chakotay was having much less success. The object of their amusement stood before them, hands on his hips. "What do you think?" he asked with pride. Kathryn put down her sandwich and tried to give him a serious look. "It was very good, Kol. But, making fun of Uncle Tom is not nice. Imitating people can be very rude." Chakotay's shoulders were shaking with unreleased laughter. Much to Kathryn's horror, the giggles began to emerge from under his control. "Especially when you are so good at it, son." he gasped. Kathryn felt herself losing control as a snort of agreement escaped her. "You do Uncle Tom's body movements quite well, Kol." The praise was all Chakotay could take, he erupted in a stream of laughter. Unable to fight any longer, Kathryn began to laugh also. Kol stood in front of their picnic dinner in total confusion. Kathryn reached out and brought the little boy onto her lap. "You are very funny, Kol, but maybe we better not do that again. Ok?" "Ok, Mommy." answered Kol still uncertain why his father was lying on his side unable to breath properly, but proud of himself for making his usually serious mother giggle like his friend Katie. When Chakotay finally got himself under control the family finished their meal in happy communion. Kol chose to finish his sandwich and fruit on his mother's lap, and Kathryn didn't ask him to get up. She was all too aware that he would soon be to old for such contact. At six, Kol was growing faster than she cared to admit. His schooling had begun in earnest a year ago, the crew's tutors struggling to find material to challenge his sharp and inquisitive mind. More and more often he preferred to spend time away from his mother. He relished the father-child soccer games Chakotay had organized for the crew and his tennis lessons with Katie Paris. More and more often Kathryn found herself wishing he was still a baby so she could hold him. Happy with the moment that was now available she snuggled more closely into Chakotay's embrace and laid her head atop the small black one against her chest. "Daddy?" called Kol from under her ear. "Can you tell us a story?" Kathryn groaned good-naturedly. "Not another parable." "Mommy," scolded Kol seriously, "legends are important." Kathryn laughed at the reflection of Chakotay in her son. "I know sweetheart, I'm just teasing Daddy." "Just for that I'm going to make it a long one." responded Chakotay. "Yay." cheered Kol. Kathryn sighed happily and listened as the man she loved imparted one of his most honored legacies to their child. She knew how important it was to Chakotay that Kol learned to value his heritage. She was proud of the way the little boy responded to the lessons of his father's family. When Chakotay finished Kol immediately began asking for another. "No way, young man." his father replied. "It's past your bedtime already. Don't you have a spelling test tomorrow?" "Yeah," admitted Kol. "Then off to bed. You'll need to be rested if you want to ace that test." Reluctantly Kathryn released him, and even more reluctantly, Kol headed into the bathroom. Kathryn felt close to tears as she watched him round the corner. "When did he become a boy instead of our baby, Chakotay?" "Long before we realized it, I'm sure." he answered hugging her tight. "He is something, though, isn't he." "Just like his father." Chakotay kissed her with promise. "Nice try," he said breaking the kiss and standing. "But, you still have to clean up the mess. It's your turn." Laughing as she stuck out her tongue at him, he followed Kol into the other room to make sure he really washed up. Kathryn began to clear the dishes. "Kim to Captain Janeway." called her comm. badge. "Janeway. Go ahead Harry." "Captain, I think we may have found something, but you'd better come take a look for yourself." "All right, we'll be there in a moment." Chakotay stuck his head around the corner. "I heard most of that. I'll get him ready to go over to B'Elanna's." Janeway nodded. "Janeway to Torres." "Torres here, Captain." "B'Elanna, we've got to go to the bridge. Can you take Kol?" "Sure, bring him over. I'm just putting Katie to bed." Kol as usual, did not complain about having to spend the first part of his night with Katie. He never seemed upset when his parents were forced to place duty before their family routine, Kathryn hoped he understood that they would always be there if he really needed them. Ten minutes later, with Kol safely tucked into his best friend's bed, the commanding officers reported to the bridge. "What do you have, Harry?" asked Janeway as the Ops Chief rose from her command chair. "I'm not sure you're going to like it, but it may be our only option. The location of an M-class planet with both food and dilithium just came in from one of the probes." "So far it's perfect," noted Chakotay, "what's the catch?" "The catch is there is a native population that is decidedly pre-warp." Chakotay flinched, "That's the one thing that could keep us away." Janeway frowned. "Are there any other promising targets in the preliminary data?" Harry shook his head. "This planet is in the only solar system any of our probes have encountered. And it's the only one in the system that would be of use -- the other four are all gas giants." "Damn!" swore Kathryn. "It would be perfect. But, breaking the Prime Directive is out of the question." Chakotay looked pensive. "Captain, I recommend that we hold position here for a short while. Give the probes time to return more data before we completely reject this possibility." Janeway nodded. "Very well, hold position Harry. Let's wait and see what we can learn. Commander, I'll see you in my Ready Room." Neither statement was anything less than an order. When they were alone and seated Kathryn placed her arms on her desk and looked Chakotay in the eye. "Are you going to suggest that we defy the Prime Directive and expose those people to contact with our advanced technology?" "Yes, and no." "Well, that's clear. Thanks for enlightening me." "Don't get angry with me, Kathryn. All I mean is that maybe we should consider all our options. That planet is the first thing other than ourselves that we have seen in almost a month. We can't go back toward Tilean space, and we will soon be unable to go forward. If we can't find another option, exposing those people may be all that stands between this crew and starvation aboard a ship limited to sub-light speed." Kathryn rubbed her face with her hands. "I know. I'm sorry I snapped, it's just that the whole situation is frustrating. If the Netli would have accepted any other form of payment for the supplies they gave us we would have plenty of crystals left. And if the Tileans had not attacked us for entering their space we would have plenty of food. I just sometimes feel as if the entire Delta Quadrant is out to get us." Chakotay smiled. "I can understand, but don't cut your nose to spite your face. Let's wait and see what we can learn. I'll study the data from Harry's probe; maybe I can find a way to retrieve what we need without exposing the natives to our presence."
Janeway sat in her Ready Room looking out at the darkness outside her viewport. Unfamiliar space, it had been so long since she had seen the sky of home that she had almost forgotten what it looked like. Images of herself as a little girl came flooding back upon her mind. She sat on Daddy's knee looking for the sight of Orion's belt on a cool winter night. She sighed, what memories would Kol have? He had never known such a connection, for him the streak of stars passed at warp speed was familiar. "Tuvok," she sighed sadly to the man across her desk. "I am beginning to doubt that this crew will ever see the stars of home again." Her friend looked at her with his usual calmness. "Such doubt at this juncture of our journey would seem illogical." Kathryn smiled at the Vulcan. "Logic never has much to do with whether or not you lose heart. I am truly at a loss. How do I insure that this crew can continue homeward without destroying the principles upon which our lives are built? Tuvok, you are my sounding board, tell me which course of action is the most logical." "Captain, it would be unwise to make such a recommendation at this time. You must be patient and wait for each of the probes to return their data. Above all you must remember that the situation is not without hope. A wise man once said: 'There are always possibilities.'" "Was this wise man Vulcan?" "He is, although I fail to see why that is relevant." Kathryn laughed and leaned back in her chair. "After all these years I am still amazed you can say such things with a straight face." Tuvok's only response was a raised eyebrow, but Kathryn got the joke anyway. "All right, my friend. If you have not lost hope then who am I to doubt. Perhaps we will find a way."
Any hope Janeway might have held suffered a severe set back three days later. "That's it, Captain." reported Harry. "No other planets in any probes sensor range. If they go any farther, they will exceed comm range until we resume course." Janeway sighed. "Hold position Mr. Paris. I'll be in Commander Chakotay's office. Tuvok, you have the Bridge." She exited the Bridge and made her way to Chakotay's office, hoping that his studies of the found planet would provide something to be hopeful about. "Come." he called as she rang his door chime. "Hey," he greeted her. "This is a surprise. Normally you call me to your office." She shrugged. "I thought maybe you'd have some data for me to see." "What's wrong, Kathryn?" She lowered herself into the chair in front of his desk with less than her usual show of grace; in fact it was nearly a flop. "The data from the last two probes is in. There is not a single planet in any search vector. If we leave now, it will take two weeks to reach any probes location. That means we'd have less than a month of power and food left and no reason to believe we'd find anything of value before the deadline. Tell me you've found a way to get what we need without corrupting that planet's evolution." "I wish I could, but the population is spread over every continent. There are areas of relative isolation, but none that coincide with dilithium deposits." "I was afraid you were going to say that. Just where are the most desirable ore deposits?" "Just outside one of the planets two major cities. There are traces of it scattered throughout the planet, but only one spot worth a serious mining action." "Right under the eyes of every citizen." "Yes, Captain." "What am I going to do, Chakotay. I can't let my crew or our children starve to death, but I'm unwilling to break Starfleet's most deeply felt conviction for any reason." Lost in a sea of poor options, Kathryn and Chakotay searched for some feasible life line.
The senior staff gathered for the briefing in tense silence. Finally Paris could stand it no longer. "Does anyone have any clue to what the Captain has decided?" "Tom," snorted B'Elanna, "I'm sure if anyone had an idea you would have already heard about it. Aren't you always telling me you're more informed about what goes on on this ship than Janeway?" Tom blushed at his wife's teasing as Harry and Neelix chuckled. "I just thought someone might be keeping their cards close to their chest. How about you Tuvok? The Captain tells you everything." "Not in this instance, Mr. Paris." replied the Vulcan quietly. "I suggest that you curb your curiosity, the Captain will undoubtedly be filling us in within the next few moments. Your speculation and worry serve no purpose." Tom rolled his eyes at the Vulcan's calm demeanor. "I'm just worried, Tuvok. We have never been this isolated from supply lines. For the first time in ten years it actually feels like we are in real danger of being stuck in the Delta Quadrant." There was not much anyone cared to add to that statement and so the remaining minute was spent with each senior officer contemplating their plight. When Chakotay and the Captain entered, the room was silent. Janeway sensed the mood immediately. They know how much is at stake. They are all so worried about the situation, about their families and our future. "I won't waste our time, people. We have decided to risk exposing the population to our presence. Normally I wouldn't even consider doing something which so greatly offends not only Starfleet's Prime Directive, but my own philosophy as well, but this is no normal situation. Without food or power we and our families are doomed to sub-light travel and starvation. I see no other viable alternative. It is our hope that through study and technology we can keep anyone from suspecting that we are any different from the natives. Commander Chakotay will brief you on our plan." Chakotay rose and crossed to the viewscreen on the wall. Images of a green, earth-like planet flashed across its surface. "The planet is much like Earth. Similar in topography and climate with only a slightly smaller equatorial distance. The population is humanoid." The image of a man appeared on the screen. If not for the homespun clothing he could have been mistaken for anyone in San Francisco. "Their civilization is along the level of Earth's middle ages but with several technological and philosophical differences." This time the image on the screen revealed a man dressed in armor and a lady in a long flowing gown. They looked very much like the pictures of King Arthur and Queen Guenivere that decorated a volume of literature in Harry's quarters. "Their social structure is feudal, with what appears to be three major kingdoms each with several subjugated realms." "For a change our luck is good, the ore deposits which pose our greatest challenge, are located in the most stable of the kingdoms. The deposit is outside the capital city, but there does appear to be some dilithium that is already mined and available. If we can find some for sale or trade in the city that will solve our problem." "The food stores should prove little trouble. We can purchase some of the more prepared items like butter and cheese in the city's markets, and there are enough isolated areas that some wild foraging will be possible. There are few differences between humans and the local population in appearance. Because we want to take no risks in corrupting the social evolution we will be taking only human crewmembers. I'm sorry but Tuvok, B'Elanna, Neelix, you will have to remain on board. Doctor, your holo-emitter would be conspicuous and makes you a poor choice for this duty also. That leaves Tom, Harry, the Captain and myself to lead any efforts." "Are there any questions? Tom?" "What kind of cover are we going to be using?" "There appears to be preparations for a major event in the capital city. Several large groups of travelers have been detected in route to the city. We will beam down several kilometers away and join the travelers going into the city." Janeway spoke up. "It appears to be an important function. All the travelers we detected seemed to be of high rank. With that in mind we will be posing as noblemen and women from a distant province. Hopefully we can get in and out with what we need before too many people become suspicious." "What about transportation?" This time the question came from Harry. "We're going to have to borrow some of the animals that pass for horses from a local farmer. Hopefully we can have his animals back before they are missed." "Do we get to wear war paint for this horse thievery, Chief?" asked Tom. "Paris." warned Janeway. Tom laughed. "Sorry Captain, that was too good to pass up." Chakotay waved a hand at his wife, signaling his ability to come to his own defense. "My war party is only for warriors, Paris. Have you completed the rituals for manhood? If not I'm sure I can program the fire ants and scorpions into the Holodeck, and I know B'Elanna has a knife big enough." Paris' face blanched at the suggestion. "Don't be cute Chakotay." he quipped, but his voice was now much more unsure. Janeway took control before the two men went off the deep end. "We have a lot to do. Let's get started. With no communication system to eavesdrop on, we are going to have trouble learning anything about their culture. Tom, I'm going to allow you and Harry to do a little reconnaissance, but be very inconspicuous. Learn as much as you can and get back here." "The procurement of transportation will take place tomorrow after local nightfall. Our away team will transport the following day. Until that time I expect everyone to learn as much about the local population as our limited resources allow."
"You're not really going to wear war paint, so what are you going to do with that stuff?" Chakotay laughed. "I'm going to scare Tom Paris. We'll see how many Indian jokes he makes from now on." Kathryn kissed the half naked man before her. "If you want to play the savage Indian, save it for later tonight." "Why wait?" he purred dropping the paint and pulling her tightly against his chest. Kathryn let her hands play across his hard, muscled torso, tempted all too much by his suggestion. "You have an assignment, Commander." Chakotay sighed. "A warriors work is never done." Kathryn laughed and kissed him again before stepping out of his arms. "Dad, what are you doing?" asked Kol from the doorway. "Your mother is sending me on an away mission. I'll only be gone an hour or so." "What's your assignment?" the slight edge of fear Kol always displayed at the mention of his parents leaving the ship clear in his voice. Chakotay sat on the bed and motioned his son to come. Kol eagerly crossed the room and climbed into his fathers lap. "I'm just going down to borrow something. We have to look like the local people, so I'm going to get us some animals for transportation." "They ride animals like our people used to do?" "Just like our people. Their animals even look a lot like horses." Kol brightened at an idea, this mission didn't sound too dangerous and the possibility of seeing something akin to his fathers stories was tempting. "Can I see one of these animals? Please, Daddy." Chakotay glanced at Kathryn who only shrugged. "Maybe, pal. If we find some nice tame ones we'll put them in the cargo hold and you can have a look. Ok?" Kol nodded his head vigorously, his blue eyes sparkling with anticipation. Chakotay kissed the small dark head. "Now scoot. I've got to get ready before the Captain wants to know why I'm late." "Yes sir." Kol jumped down and skipped into the other room, already imagining himself astride a powerful 'paloose pony. "That should keep him entertained all night. In fact I'll be lucky if he goes to bed at all." Chakotay grinned. "He did seem excited, didn't he." "I'm going to get excited if you don't get moving, Commander. Get us some transportation and get back aboard. That's an order." "Aye, Captain." He kissed her as he finished slipping on his dark shirt. "And stay awake, I want that game of cowboys and indians you promised me."
Chakotay, Paris and Kim materialized at the edge of the forest. Two hundred meters away stood a single homestead. The first of the planets moons had just set, meaning they had about thirty minutes of darkness before the next moon rose and they would be detectable. "What now, Chief?" "Paris, if you don't stop calling me that I'm going to scalp you." "Just trying to get in the mood." Chakotay let it go before they were arguing too much to complete the mission. "Let's get closer. The horses we detected were in the corral closest to our position. I think I can see several there by the gate." Moving slowly and staying low the three men crossed the open field and entered the corral without being seen by anyone in the house. "We'll need five animals. See if you can get the two to the right. And move slowly, we don't want them to spook and arouse suspicion." Tom and Harry both nodded and made their way toward the two large animals. Chakotay noted that they were in luck, this farmer seemed to have trained his animals well. When he approached those closest to him they only looked curiously on the stranger who reached for them. Taking the local version of a bridle in his hands Chakotay slipped his rope through the proper opening and moved on to the next animal. In only a few moments he had three animals strung on his lead. Turning back toward the gate he saw Harry already had his animal out of the corral and was waiting for him. Paris seemed to be having less luck, but was headed toward the gate. The Commander watched with amusement as Tom tried to get his horse through the gate. He finally took pity on the cocky pilot and took the lead from him. Under his more calm direction the animal stepped eagerly through the gate. Chakotay handed the reins back to Paris with only a smug grin to say 'I told you so.' Wanting to make as quick an escape as possible Chakotay signaled for beam out. The animals snorted in fear as they suddenly found themselves in the bright confines of the cargo bay. Chakotay and Harry quickly calmed their charges, but Tom's animal continued to snort and paw the deck. "Paris, you had to pick a spirited one didn't you." "Sorry, Commander, I just grabbed the one on the right, just like you said." "Here, let me have him before he gets out of control." Paris eagerly handed over the lead and Chakotay spent the next few moments calmly talking to the animal and caressing his neck. When he finished the horse was still wide eyed, but controllable. "Harry, get them secured and feed them, that should help reassure them." "Yes, sir." "Paris, you can ride, can't you?" Tom looked hurt. "Yeah, I can ride. But I'm not riding him." he said emphatically as he pointed to the stallion. "I wouldn't dream of it." Paris looked relieved. He had been afraid that all his war party jokes had just backfired on him. "Chakotay to Janeway." "Janeway here." "We're finished, Captain. We have the animals and no one saw us." "Excellent. My congratulations to your team."
Kathryn was waiting eagerly when Chakotay returned to their quarters. She had changed out of her uniform and now wore a loose tunic and leggings of deep blue. Chakotay thought she looked particularly beautiful. "Everything secure?" "Yes, they're bedded down and acting like they've always been stabled in a cargo hold. We really lucked out, that farmer has an excellent touch; they're well trained. "If I'm not mistaken you promised me an excellent touch earlier today." breathed Kathryn as she slipped into his arms. Chakotay kissed her allowing his hands to tangle themselves in her long auburn hair. "Kol asleep?" he whispered next to her ear. "Out like a light." "I'll have to thank him when he's older." The discussion tapered off after that, the two more interested in each others bodies than what had happened either on the planet or on the ship that night.
Chakotay awoke the next morning with a steady tapping in his head. It took a few groggy moments to realize it was Kol's fingers patting his skull. He shifted position, freeing his arm from beneath Kathryn's head. When he opened his eyes he nearly jumped, Kol's small face was only inches from his own. "Dad, wake up!" whispered the little boy. Chakotay glanced at the clock. 0530. "Kol, it's too early to get up. Are you sick?" "No, you promised to take me to see the horses." "Now?" "Yeah, come on Dad." "Just get up and take him," groaned Kathryn without opening her eyes. "If you don't he's not going to let either one of us rest." Knowing that he was beaten, Chakotay rose and motioned Kol to follow him to the outer room. "Let's let Mommy go back to sleep, give me five minutes to get dressed and we'll go." Kol nodded, but danced nervously at the door until his father returned dressed in comfortable off-duty clothing. Chakotay almost had to break into a run to keep up with Kol as they sped through the quiet corridors. "Slow down, son. Let's not run in and frighten them." Kol stopped and reached out to take his fathers hand. "Can I pet one Dad?" Chakotay looked down at the shining face of his son. Kol was obviously more than a little excited by this opportunity. "We'll see, I won't let you if I think you might get hurt." Preferring to take that as a yes, Kol tugged his father through the door. The "horses" looked up as the two entered the cargo bay. "They look almost like the Earth horses in my pictures." gasped Kol. "Almost, come over here and I'll show you the difference." They walked over to stand next to one of the more docile females. "See, they have a different type of hoof, Earth horses have only one toe, these animals have three, and they have a defense that terran horses don't." "You mean that big claw there behind their leg?" "Very good, it's almost like a cat's dew claw. I'm sure it can be used to attack anything that would threaten it." "Can I pet this one? Please." Chakotay nodded, the smile on Kol's face a confirmation that he had answered correctly. The animal lowered her head to sniff at Kol's shirt as she felt his hands on her neck. Chakotay tensed reflexively, but the mare only snorted quietly as she looked on the boy with soft eyes. Kol spent the next thirty minutes stroking and talking to the animals. Chakotay let him pet each of the mares, but kept him well away from the temperamental stallion that Tom had acquired. After a few minutes Chakotay had realized that the animals were too well trained to be of any real danger to Kol and the two of them had spent a wonderful half-hour pretending that they were back among the lands of their fathers. Kol would have spent all day in the bay, but Chakotay was finally forced to halt their game. "Sorry, Kol, but you have school, and your mother and I have an assignment." Kol nodded reluctantly and slid down off the back of the mare that seemed to be his favorite. "Yeah, ok." He gave the horse one final pat goodbye and headed after his father. "Dad, how long are you and Mom going to be gone?" "Hopefully not too long, pal. We'll beam down later today, there's really no way to know how long it will take to finish our mission, but we should be back in a day or two." "Am I going to stay at Katie's?" "Yes, Uncle Tom is going with your Mom and me, but Aunt B'Elanna can't go." "Cause she's Klingon and that's against the Prime Directive?" Chakotay laughed in spite of himself. "Well, being Klingon isn't against the Prime Directive, but exposing those people to ideas that they haven't come up with on their own is." "Yeah, that's what I meant. They can't see Aunt B'Elanna or Tuvok, or Neelix 'cause they don't know other species exist." "That's it exactly. I'm glad to know you are paying attention in school." "I didn't learn that in school, I learned that from Mom's lecture after our vacation on Drigan IV" "Oh, yes. You were in a lot of trouble as I recall." Kol thought maybe he should change the subject. "What's for breakfast?" "Run on in and ask your mother." Kol broke away and sprinted the last twenty meters to their quarters. "Mom! He yelled as the doors parted. "What's for breakfast?"
Well, if she wasn't up already, she is now. laughed Chakotay to himself as he entered the room.
"Why is everything so difficult for this crew? There are billions of planets in the galaxy, but we have to be stuck in orbit around this one. Typical Voyager luck to be stuck on a planet where the natives wear tin cans." groaned Tom from underneath the pile of chain mail he was attempting to put on. "I'd keep that kind of talk to yourself, Lieutenant Commander. If the Captain hears you I won't be able to keep her from scalping you." Chakotay shifted the iron rings around Tom's shoulders, "Harry lift up on his other shoulder. Tom, put your arm through here." Tom grunted with satisfaction as the mail shirt settled into place. "These things weigh a ton. How are we supposed to move?" "You'll get used to it. I'd think you'd be in better shape, don't you and B'Elanna work out in her Holodeck battle program?" "Yes, but I never have to fight imaginary enemies wearing scrap metal." Chakotay laughed. "We're just going to have to do our best. Try not to fall off your horse or I'm telling everyone you're our jester." The door to the cargo bay opened and Tuvok and Janeway entered. All three officers smiled at the sight before them completely ignoring the Vulcan and the weapons he carried. The Captain was wearing a beautiful long gown of deep emerald green. The bodice was cut lower than anything Kathryn would have normally worn in front of her crew. The material gathered in pleats around her hips accentuating her small waist. Her hair hung more loosely than usual, only that which would frame her face tied behind her. Harry looked shocked to see his Captain in such an alluring garment. When he saw Chakotay glaring at him, he blushed deeply. Paris had no such inhibitions, his whistle of approval was followed by a wink. "Captain, we won't need Tuvok's swords, you'll knock 'em dead." Janeway smiled in spite of herself as Chakotay stepped between Paris and his wife to take his place at her side. When he put his arm around her -- a serious breach of protocol while on duty -- she almost giggled. "Thank you Mr. Paris. The outfit is in style among the nobles we observed, I was hoping the replicator got it right." Chakotay was eyeing his two friends. "I think it got it too right." Kathryn smiled again and patted his arm. "Let's get moving, gentlemen. Mr. Tuvok has a weapon for each of you. I'm hoping we won't need to use them, but we must look the part." Tuvok began handing each officer a weapon. "These broad swords are the weapon of choice among the men of noble rank. Proficiency in their use takes years to achieve. I highly recommend that you attempt to avoid any violent situation in which they would be needed." Tom grunted at the additional weight the heavy sword added to his camouflage, but Harry seemed to take it all in stride. Chakotay tested the feel and weight of his weapon before buckling on the scabbard. He looked up in time to see Tuvok handing the Captain a dagger. "While your disguise will not permit you to carry a similar weapon, I must insist that you carry some instrument with which to defend yourself." Kathryn took the knife and secured its scabbard to her forearm, the loose sleeve of green completely covering it's existence. "Thank you, Commander." She smiled at her friend. "Take good care of my ship, Tuvok. We'll contact you regularly." Receiving Tuvok's curt nod she swirled around to face their saddled horses. Chakotay resisted the urge to tell her how beautiful the twirling green looked against her auburn hair and creamy skin. "Let's move." ordered the Captain. Each officer moved over to take the reigns of the animal assigned to him. Chakotay took the stallion firmly in hand. Harry offered to take the reigns of the pack animal too, and Chakotay gladly turned them over so he could concentrate on the temperamental male. Janeway looked around to make sure that everyone was ready. Nodding a final farewell to Tuvok she issued the command, "Energize".
When the group materialized in a sunny glade it took only a few moments to calm the horses. "I think they must be getting used to that." commented Harry patting his mare. "Let's get mounted and on our way." ordered Janeway. "It's several hours ride into the city, and then we'll need to find a place to stay." Chakotay stepped up to help Janeway onto her steed. Pulling the animal between the two of them and their pretend knights he quickly bent and kissed his wife. In spite of the circumstances Kathryn responded making Chakotay wish they were anywhere but in the middle of an assignment. "You are beautiful Kathryn Janeway. If you weren't already my wife I'd do anything to convince you to marry me." Kathryn smiled and laid a hand against his cheek. "Do you know how much you mean to me? Probably not, since I can't find words deep enough." She looked over her shoulder at Tom and Harry who were now mounted and able to see their every move. "Help me up on this animal and let's get moving." Grabbing her waist Chakotay lifted his wife onto her mount. He let his hands linger just a moment too long against her hips, Tom and Harry didn't notice but Kathryn did and her eyes promised him great satisfaction when they were alone. Chakotay smiled up at his beautiful wife, he thought Kathryn looked particularly regal upon her horse; her Captain's demeanor helping to portray the image of a noble lady. Sighing and clamping down on his lust Chakotay turned and mounted the stallion. With him in the lead, the party set out on their quest. An hour into their ride they had passed only one homestead and no travelers. The quiet afternoon had allowed them time to review what they knew of local life and politics. When Janeway's communicator beeped the sharp noise caused everyone to jump. The twitter of technology seemed quite out of place in this tranquil countryside. "Tuvok to Janeway." Kathryn pulled her horse to a stop and tapped the communicator concealed inside her dress. "Janeway here." Tuvok's voice was grave. "Captain, we just detected an unauthorized use of cargo transporter one." Janeway shot a puzzled look at Chakotay. "Have you been able to determine who transported?" "Affirmative." Tuvok paused and Janeway knew he was preparing to tell her something she did not want to hear. The Vulcan's voice was full of concern, despite his training. "Captain, the transporter was activated by Kol." Kathryn felt the blood drain from her face. Fighting the wave of panic that threatened to overwhelm her she swallowed her fear. She glanced at Chakotay and noted that he had stopped breathing. "Have you tried getting a lock on him and beaming him back aboard?" "Affirmative, we are having trouble detecting him. Apparently young Kol acquired a faulty holo-emitter from Lieutenant Commander Torres' quarters. The device is scrambling our transporter signal before a lock is possible." "The transport coordinates are 1.52 kilometers ahead of your current position." The location of his son was all that Chakotay had been waiting for, he kicked his heels into the sides of the great stallion and bolted forward. Janeway signaled Tom to follow her husband while she finished receiving Tuvok's report. The helmsman galloped after the First Officer with a grim look upon his face. "Hurry up, Tuvok. I've got to catch up to the rest of my away team." "Aye, Captain. We will continue to attempt beam out, but it is most likely that his safe return to the ship depends on your ability to locate him and terminate the emitter's signal." "Acknowledged. Keep me informed. Janeway out." Kathryn kicked her horse into a gallop even before terminating the comm-link. With Harry at her side she raced to catch up with Chakotay and join his search for their son. It only took a few moments to cover the distance Tuvok had indicated. The terrain had grown choppier as they moved closer to the city, instead of flat country, they now traveled through rolling hills. She found Chakotay and Tom at the foot of a hill. "No sign of him," called Chakotay worriedly as she approached. "But with this terrain, it's easy to understand why. Tom, get a tricorder from the pack animal and see if he turns up on the scanner." Paris moved quickly to comply. "I'm sorry about all this, Captain. B'Elanna never would have left that emitter laying in our living room if she had known what trouble it was going to cause." "I don't blame B'Elanna for any of this, Tom. I just want to find my son." Paris nodded with understanding as he began to scan the area. Kathryn was glad she had agreed to bring the instrument; the risk to the Prime Directive now seeming justified. "There are several life signs large enough to be humanoid through that copse of trees to the left." he reported as he turned to scan another area. "Nothing else registers at the proper levels." He turned off the tricorder and returned it to its place deep inside the pack. "I'd say that's our best bet. If it is Kol, he has company." Janeway and Chakotay set out at a quick but cautious pace, their officers flanking them. "If it is Kol how do you plan to handle this?" Chakotay asked. Kathryn's face was grim. "I'm going to play it by ear and try to remember our cover. I only hope Kol doesn't completely destroy our effort. What can he be thinking?!" "I'm not sure, but he and I are going to have a long talk." responded Chakotay darkly. "You'll have plenty of time after the Captain in me throws him in the Brig." They were approaching the edge of the trees and Janeway signaled for the party to slow. They crept upon the meadow ahead searching for the lifeforms Paris detected. "There." called Chakotay softly gesturing toward their right. Janeway nodded catching sight of three mounted natives in the middle of the field. One of the horses shifted position and a small dark head appeared between them. "And there's Kol." "Are you sure it's him, Captain?" asked Harry. "They are several hundred meters away, it could be a local child." "Mr. Kim, any mother can spot her own child from twice this distance." "Yes, Ma'am." "Let's ride out there and try to salvage the situation. We'll walk, we don't want them to feel threatened." she ordered. As the four officers emerged from the trees a viscous cry erupted from the opposite side of the meadow. A dozen men in armor charged out of the trees and headed for the small party around Kol. "Chakotay!" gasped Kathryn. Chakotay slammed his heels into the stallion and the two leaped into a charge. Harry dropped the pack horse's reigns and he and Tom followed. Janeway watched in horror as the men surrounded the smaller party and began to attack. Steel rang on steel as the two groups clashed. Holding her reigns in one hand Kathryn drew her dagger knowing that it would not stop a sword, but needing some kind of protection when she reached her son. Chakotay, Tom and Harry drew their swords as one and slammed into the nearest aggressors without pause. Their unexpected attack opened a hole in the circle and Janeway raced into the center of the melee. Her eyes sought the small dark head of her son, but he was nowhere on the ground. Whirling her animal she caught sight of him fearfully clutching the waist of one of his original companions. The man was attempting to fight two opponents while protecting the boy. It was clear that he would soon lose the battle. Sprinting forward Kathryn pulled alongside her son's protector. "Kol!" "Mom. Help!" The man in front of Kol cast only a slight glance in Janeway's direction. "Take him." he barked. "I canna long keep him safe." Kathryn reached out and dragged Kol onto her saddle. Placing him in front of her she danced her animal away from the man to allow him better sword strokes; his lot immediately improved. He quickly relieved one attacker of his arm and split the skull of the second. Clutching Kol she looked around searching for her crew. Chakotay was doing a surprisingly good job of dispatching the attacker nearest him. He was clearly gaining the upper hand, his sword strokes sure and powerful while his opponent grew more weak and desperate with every pass. A second attacker already lay beneath the hooves of his stallion. Tom and Harry were doing a passable job of defending themselves, but were beginning to tire. As Chakotay's opponent fell to the ground the two riders battling her other officers realized they were the only attackers left; the rest of their group lay dead or maimed at the feet of their intended victims. They broke off and raced for the safety of the trees. Janeway breathed a sigh of relief. "Is everyone all right?" She inquired of the team. Tom nodded, but Harry was cradling his left arm. "I've got a small wound, Cap... My Lady." he reported remembering at the last moment that they were not alone. "Tom, take a look at it." she ordered hopping that Paris' field medic training would be enough to deal with Harry's injury. Chakotay had dismounted and was checking their mounts for signs of injury. "Chakotay, are you alright?" Janeway demanded. He stepped up beside her. "I'm fine, Kathryn. Get down and let me take a look at her." he said gesturing to her mount. He reached up and pulled Kol out of the saddle. "You have a lot of explaining to do, young man." he told his son darkly as he set him down. As Chakotay finished looking over the horses Kathryn turned to her son, her Captain's face firmly in place. Kol had seen the look before and he paled visibly. "Mommy, I..' "Kol, now is not the time to discuss this. Do you realize what could have happened here? You could have been killed. This is not a game! I have never been as disappointed in you as I am now." Kol hung his head, tears falling unnoticed onto his feet. Kathryn watched her son with cold eyes, forcing herself to remain firm. Movement behind her caught her attention and she turned to view Kol's companions for the first time. The two men and one woman appeared to have been dressed for battle. There was blood splattered on all three, but they seemed totally unconcerned. The older man who had been protecting Kol was of stocky build and sported a thick cap of silver hair. He wore chain mail much like her officers and was wiping the blood from what looked like his frequently used weapon. The younger man was tall, maybe an inch or two taller than Chakotay she noted. Much more about his physical description was difficult to determine since he wore a more formal suit of armor. The young woman who stepped out to greet her was no more than twenty years old. She was wearing chain mail and appeared to handle both it's weight and the sword at her side with ease. "Well met, My Lady." she said addressing herself to Kathryn. "I take it you are familiar with our new young friend here? I must say I am most grateful to have met him since his presence led you to us in our hour of need. I thank you greatly for your help in thwarting my enemy's plans against my life." Kathryn nodded, surprised that this young woman's speech was more cultured than her highwayman's attire would suggest. "It is our gratitude which must be expressed. Thank you for protecting my son. I'm afraid his morning of adventure turned out to be more than he bargained for." The young woman laughed a delicate silvery laugh. "I can remember many such mornings in my own youth. Looking back I find they are now my favorites. But, forgive me I have neglected to introduce myself and my companions. My name is Cedera." She gestured first to the tall man to her right. "This is Gregic and my older friend, who so bravely fought for young Kol, is Merim." Kathryn acknowledged the introductions with a gracious nod. "I am Kathryn, the dark man with the mark upon his head is my husband, Chakotay. Astride the steeds are the redheaded Tom and Harry and I take it you have already been introduced to my son Kol." "Such strange names." remarked Cedera. "Have you traveled far, I know of no such names here in Xantaria." "Yes, quite a distance. We are on our way into the city." "Ah, you come for the coronation?" Kathryn nodded, glad that Tom's reconnaissance had provided the nature of the city's activity. "Yes, it is our intention to pay our respects to this kingdom's fine new monarch." Cedera's face held a sad and wistful look. "I would that all the kingdom shared your attitude, My Lady Kathryn." "Forgive me, but we are out of touch with the news of the kingdom. Is the change in power not welcomed?" "It is most welcomed!" thundered Gregic suddenly seeming very protective of the young woman at his side. "Don't lie to our new friends, Sir Gregic." reproached Cedera. "The sad truth Lady Kathryn, is that the new monarch will be a Queen. There are many who find the idea of a woman on the throne to be a threat. Have you not heard of this sentiment?" Tom and Harry had dismounted and now stood directly behind their Captain. At Cedera's question Tom nearly collapsed in a fit of coughing. Harry elbowed him with his good arm, "We are quite used to the idea of following a female Commander, My Lady. The idea is quite natural to us." "Is it true?" sighed Cedera. "Then perhaps there is hope for Xantaria." "Of course it's true." chirped Kol proudly, not recognizing the rhetorical question. "Harry doesn't lie. Everyone follows my mother's orders." "Kol. You are in enough trouble without interrupting someone else's conversation." warned Chakotay. "But, Dad I'm only trying to help." Chakotay's glare silenced any further argument. "I don't mean to be rude, Cedera, but Harry is wounded. Is there some establishment nearby in which we could tend his arm?" asked Kathryn. "Of course, Lady Kathryn." said Cedera blinking out of the moment of contemplation Kol's statement had produced for her. "Is his wound severe?" "No," answered Tom. "I've stopped the bleeding, but it needs to be treated before infection can set in." Cedera nodded. "Aye, I've seen quite too many battle losses from such infection. My home is not far, let us retreat there. My surgeon will tend Sir Harry with ease." "Cedera, is that wise?" questioned Gregic. "Don't be ridiculous Gregic. The truth would be clear to them soon enough. Merim, bring the horses, please." "Yes, your Majesty." The importance of Merim's address was not lost on the Voyager's officers. Damn it. thought Kathryn. How are we going to go about our mission when we just entangled ourselves with their about-to-be-crowned queen?
As the others mounted Chakotay whispered into Janeway's ear. "What do you want to do with Kol?" "I want to send him home, but I can't do that without erasing our cover. He'll just have to come along and you and I will have to watch him." Chakotay nodded and looked down at his son. "You ride with me, we need to have a talk." Kol's excitement over finally being able to touch the stallion was tempered by the anger he saw in his father's eyes. "Yes sir." Once mounted the party moved out at a ground covering speed leaving the bodies of their attackers behind. Janeway rode next to Queen Cedera and tried to keep up her end of the conversation while musing over her options. They were already in much deeper than she had planned. How were they going to avoid questions about where they came from. Would they be able to cover their lapses in knowledge about local custom, tradition and language? Kathryn rubbed the bridge of her nose feeling the beginnings of a major headache. All of this because her son had done something she would have sworn he would never do. What was that boy thinking? "Is everything all right, Lady Kathryn?" asked the Queen. "Yes, I'm fine. Kol's actions have me a little troubled, it's not like him to wander off like that." "Ah, children often do things their parents do not understand. Perhaps in time it will become clear to you." "You sound like the voice of experience. Do you have children, Your Majesty?" Cedera laughed again and Kathryn found herself liking the girl. "No my Lady. It will be autumn before I will be reaching my twentieth year. Twould be unseemly for one so young to be married, especially when she is a princess." Kathryn nodded. "At your age children were the farthest thing from my mind as well. I was too busy living life, following my education and starting a career to worry about that part of my life. Besides," she murmured quietly as she glanced over her shoulder to look at Chakotay. "I hadn't met the right man back then." Cedera followed her gaze to the father and son astride the roan stallion. "Your husband, m'lady, seems quite stern and he is an excellent warrior. Did he by chance win your heart in battle?" "Something like that." said Janeway with a smile. "But, he is the most gentle man I have ever met. He is angry now, Kol scared him more than he will care to admit, when he has talked to his son he will be more himself." "I hope he will not be too harsh on the boy, children do things and parents must forgive, it is the way of the world." "Wisely put, Your Majesty." "Please, Lady Kathryn can't you just call me Cedera? So few people do that I almost have forgotten it is my name. And though we have just met, I feel in you a kindred spirit. Your intimacy would be a welcome respite from the constraints of accepting my crown." "I would be honored, and my name is just Kathryn. No 'lady' is required." The two women chatted sociably for the rest of the short ride to the city. By the time they entered the city gates Kathryn had learned much about the local political situation. Using the cover of a bustling courtyard Janeway dismounted and issued orders to her team. "Harry you are going straight to their infirmary. Chakotay take Tom and see if you can locate any of that mined dilithium." "Aye, Captain." "Oh, and Chakotay, see if you can find any sort of map. We're going to need to manufacture some concrete names if we are going to keep our cover intact." Janeway reached down and took Kol's hand. "You are coming with me, little man." "Yes, ma'am." mumbled Kol weakly a sure sign that he had gotten a long lecture during the short ride into town. Cedera took her leave of the Voyager crew. "There are matters I must attend to my friends. I will join you as soon as my duties permit. Sir Gregic will show you to the infirmary Sir Harry, and you Kathryn to my sitting room. I pray you, take advantage of my hospitality, it is most freely given." "If you don't mind I would like to accompany Harry to the infirmary. He is my man and his safety is always my concern. It would set my mind at ease to know how his treatment progresses." Cedera smiled. "I sign of true noble breeding, my Lady Kathryn. I hope my own reign is tempered by such concern for those whose fidelity I command." She turned to the young man beside her. "Be sure they have everything they need, Sir Gregic. I will be in my father's study." The tone of command the young woman used made Kathryn smile, it was so much like the tone she used when ordering Chakotay. Kathryn led Harry and Kol into the palace at the heels of Sir Gregic. Passing through the Entry Hall Kathryn tried not to stare at the wonder around her. A Captain's discipline kept her from revealing the newness of such architecture and art around her, but Kol had no such training. His small head twisted and turned on his shoulders like a top as he tried to take in everything at once. Kathryn smiled at his reaction, momentarily forgetting her anger with him. The walk through the castle took several minutes. The tour Gregic provided for them reminded Kathryn of her excursions in Europe. The difference lay in the fact that this castle was in it's prime, not a refurbished antique of a society long dead. It was truly a heady experience to think of such romantic notions as Kings and Queens and their Knights and Ladies, Kathryn kept reminding herself that this was not a holonovel and that she had an assignment to complete. The infirmary was more than crude by Voyager standards, but looked adequate to treat Harry for a simple infection. The surgeon was a small elderly man with a squint. When he saw Gregic enter he dropped his instruments and hurried to the door. "Well met, Sir Knight. How may I help you?" "This young Knight requires attention. The Queen was attacked, he was wounded in the battle." The old man gasped. "The Queen! Is she all right?" "Aye, they were not well trained, it took only six to defeat their numbers. But, treat Sir Harry well. He fought bravely for our Queen." "I will Sir Knight. This way good master."
Kathryn twisted with impatience as Harry's treatment lingered on. Apparently the surgeon had meant it when promising to treat Harry with the greatest of care. Finally he pronounced his work complete. Kathryn breathed a sigh of relief. Now, perhaps she would find an opportunity to contact the ship. Gregic was speaking with a servant at the door of the infirmary. As Kathryn and her party neared he turned to them. "Her Majesty has asked that you remain as her guests. The city is quite full of travelers and she feels her hospitality is the least she may afford to those who helped preserve her life." Seeing no graceful way to decline Kathryn politely accepted and followed Gregic along a different path deeper inside the castle. "How are you feeling Harry?" she asked, wanting to keep his health firmly in mind as they fell more and more deeply into this charade. "I'm fine. It's really not much more than a scratch." Kathryn nodded, "Good, just keep an eye on it." "Aye." Gregic finally stopped in front of an ornately carved wooden door. "Her Majesty has asked that you be given these quarters. They are a great honor, this is the Queens own wing. Only the most honored guests are allowed the hospitality of her private household. There are two rooms, adjoined by a sitting room. There are servants assigned to these rooms, you need only ask them and they will provide whatever you may need." "Thank you Sir Gregic," answered Kathryn with as much grace as she could project. She could tell that this young knight did not completely trust them, and that his council would be important to the young Queen. If she wanted to avoid suspicion she had to gain his trust. "We are more than honored to receive such a gift. Her Majesty's gracious hospitality is more than we deserve. And I thank you for your time as well, I am sure these duties to us are not your normal fare." "I serve my Queen in all ways, Lady Kathryn." he responded stiffly, and Kathryn was afraid she had unwillingly insulted him. She relaxed when his face lit with a smile. "It was not an unpleasant duty, and I too am grateful for your assistance in this mornings battle. Is there anything more I may do for you?" "Nothing for me, Sir Knight, but my husband and Sir Tom are out in the city, perhaps you could see to it that they will easily find us upon their return?" "Of course, fear not. They will find you immediately upon their return." Kathryn smiled, hoping that the rough beginning with Gregic was now behind them. She led Harry and Kol into their sitting room and quickly made sure that they were alone. When each of the rooms proved to be empty she tapped her comm-badge. "Janeway to Voyager." "Tuvok here." "Tuvok, we've located Kol. I'm afraid he has made contact with the natives, and his disappearance will now cause much concern. He will have to remain here." "Captain, our sensors indicate you are in the city's main palace. Is that a wise course of action?" "It may not be wise, but we don't have a choice. Kol's first action down here was to make friends with the new queen." "I see, very well. Do you require any more assistance?" "No, not for now, but I'll keep in touch. Janeway out." Kathryn looked around the room searching for Kol. There was no way she was going to let him out of her sight again. She spotted him lounging in a window seat watching the liveried servants and horses in the courtyard below. The sight finally helped her put her finger on something that had been nagging her since they had found him. "Kol, where did you get those clothes. They are not what you were wearing this morning." The boy looked abashed at having to discuss his mornings activities. "I replicated them." "You did what?" "I replicated them. I told the computer I wanted clothing in my size that conformed to the dress of a nobleman's child from the planet Voyager was currently orbiting." "We better start at the beginning. Just exactly how did you end up down here?" She sat down next to him and put her arm around him. "Tell me everything, and don't worry, I'm not mad anymore." "Well, you and Dad are always going off on some kind of duty. I just wanted to come along. It didn't sound dangerous, just riding around on horses and looking for stuff. Aunt B'Elanna had that holo-emitter just sitting there. I didn't think anybody would mind if I just kept it for a while. I've still got it, she can fix it when we get back." He reached into his pocket and fished out the tiny piece of equipment. Kathryn took the emitter. "And you knew this would keep the transporter from locating you? You really have been paying attention in school." she held out the emitter. "Harry, could you do something with this before he loses it and totally violates the Prime Directive." "Yes Ma'am." Harry took the emitter and disappeared into the adjoining room. Kathryn turned back to her son. "So, you were feeling like Dad and I don't spend enough time with you?" "Well, kind of. I mean, we do stuff, but work is always in the way." "I can understand. I felt that way sometimes about your grandpa. Admirals are always busy." "Really? More busy than Captains?" "More pips, more work. Now, finish your story." "Well, I took the emitter before school. Then I told Katie to tell Ensign Geran that I forgot something and was going to be late. Instead of going to school I went to the cargo bay where Dad had put the horses. I told the computer to replicate some clothes and then I told it to transport me to the surface at about a kilometer from where you were. I figured I could find you." Kathryn had gone pale as he had continued. "Kol, you let the computer transport you without someone confirming the coordinates? That is not acceptable, the safety precautions are not enough. There is far too much room for error. Never do that again. That function is reserved for only dire emergencies. Why do you think we have transporter chiefs?" "I'm sorry Mommy, it just seemed like a good idea." A knock at the door saved Kol from the lecture that comment deserved. Rising Kathryn opened to door to find a young maid with a tray of fruit and drinks standing in the corridor. "Would ye care for a drop o'refreshment, me Lady?" Kathryn stepped back to allow the young girl entrance. "That would be most welcome, thank you." The girl hastily entered and deposited the tray on a table. "Would ye be needin' anythin' else, Me Lady?" "No thank you." The girl quickly curtsied and scurried out the door. "There certainly seems to be a discrepancy in the language of the different classes." noted Harry. "Yes," agreed the Captain, "I'm glad the more colorful dialect is not affected by the class we chose to imitate. I'm not sure I could pull it off." An hour before dusk Chakotay and Tom returned. "We managed to find a map, Captain, but no luck on the dilithium." reported Chakotay. Kathryn frowned. "Well, there's no help for it now. Tom, hand me the map. I want to take a look at it. There are fresh changes of clothes for you both in the bedrooms, we have to go to the state dinner in less than an hour. Go change and then I'll fill you in." Neither Tom nor Chakotay looked like they wanted to spend an evening at so public a function, but they followed their orders and headed in to change. Kathryn bent over the map carefully noting their current location and searching for someplace to call home. "Kathryn," called Chakotay from the other room. "Where did these outfits come from? I didn't think we brought anything like this with us." "We didn't" responded Kathryn from the door. "I had Tuvok beam down several changes of clothes. We can't walk around in the same clothes we arrived in, we are supposed to be here for the celebration." Chakotay grunted his understanding. "How do I look?" Kathryn glanced over her shoulder, and then took two steps into the room. "Perfect, like my knight in shining armor." Chakotay slipped his silk covered arms around her. "Be glad I don't have to wear armor to this dinner, otherwise I couldn't hold you like this." Kathryn kissed him slowly. "Mmm. There are advantages to a knight without his armor." She stepped back before the tension became more than either was willing to resist. "Come on I want to brief everyone at once." Chakotay tugged on the collar of his new shirt and wished the night would end quickly. Following his Captain into the other room he tried not to think about how tempting she looked in the dark blue gown. He made a valiant effort to forget how compelling she was without it. Kathryn tacked the map to the wall and stood back. "Alright, I've fashioned a reasonable story for us, and with a little luck we can keep anyone from suspecting that we are anything other than what we claim. Kol, pay attention sweetheart. You are a member of this away team whether I like it or not, and you are going to have to help us pull this off." The little boy brightened at the idea of being an official member of the away team. "Yes, Captain." Kathryn smiled at his exuberance. "Our story will be that Chakotay and I are the Duke and Duchess of Brigathan. It's a smaller Duchy in the bordering kingdom of Tegatha. According to Cedera the two kingdoms have only limited informal contact. Since there are no official ambassadors there should be no one to challenge us. I'll simply tell the queen that Chakotay and I decided to attend as a sign that some of the nobility of Tegatha support increased contact with the other kingdoms. By the time she finds out anything different we should be gone. Any questions?" Kol raised his hand like he was supposed to in school. "Yes, Kol?" "If you and Daddy are the Duke and Duchess does that make me an Earl?" "I'm afraid not, you'll have settle for being the Duke apparent. Do you think you can remember all that I just said?" "Sure, you and Daddy are the Duke and Duchess of Brigathan, from the kingdom of Tegatha." "Very good, honey. You just stay close to us tonight and everything will be alright." "Captain?" asked Tom when Kol seemed ready to quiet down. "Do we know who the king of Tegatha is? I'd hate to blow our cover by not recognizing his name." Janeway nodded. "I managed to gain that much from Cedera earlier today. Tegatha is ruled by King Horic. He is an older man, and very conservative, she is deeply concerned about his reaction to a ruling Queen. The third kingdom is Marcal, and it's ruled by a very young and weak king named Findel. Cedera is convinced that she can deal with him most easily." There was a short rap at the door. Harry rose and opened the door to find Sir Gregic waiting outside. "Well met, Sir Gregic." Kim greeted the knight. "Well met, Sir Harry, the Queen has asked me to convey you to the Dinner Hall." "We are honored, sir knight." "Harry is really getting the hang of all this." muttered Tom to Chakotay as the party followed Gregic down the hallway. "Let's hope the rest of us can do as well." The Captain's look of disapproval silenced both men, and they took their places in preparation for the evenings performance. There was a large crowd already gathered in the hall when they arrived. Any hope of entering unnoticed was abandoned when Gregic informed them that they should remain standing in the door until their names were announced. Chakotay took Kathryn's arm. "I hope this works." Kathryn's response was silenced by a sharp trumpet blast. A chamberlain stepped forward and announced them in a thundering voice. "The Duke and Duchess of Brigethan. Lord Chakotay and Lady Kathryn."
Voyager's command team stepped into the room at a stately pace with their young son one step behind. Kol jumped when a second blast sounded from the chamberlain's trumpet. "The Earl of Cleveland... Sir Harry Kim. The Earl of San Francisco... Sir Tom Paris." Chakotay chuckled softly. "I take it you invented titles for our knights?" "Well, they had to have some. I figured the exotic nature of the names would appeal to those two." "Cleveland and 'Frisco are exotic?" "They are to these people." The two officers approached the Queen's table, set in front of her throne. The young queen was dressed most formally, a small silver crown upon her blond head, and a long gown which was much more appealing than the morning's chain mail. Her demeanor was different too, the official setting forcing her to act every inch the reigning monarch; there was little sign of the sweet young girl they had met that morning. Head high she accepted the bows offered by the Voyager officers and indicated that all should be seated. She gestured Kathryn to take the seat to her immediate left. The Voyager crew took their places at the table amid a stir of whispers. "We seem to be the object of much discussion." observed Chakotay. "It is not often that Xantaria receives visitors from Tegatha Lord Chakotay." replied the Queen. "Please forgive our court, but this truly is a new experience." "It is I who must beg your forgiveness your Majesty, I meant no disrespect." Cedera returned Chakotay's warm smile. "We see your point Lady Kathryn, your husband truly was not himself this morning. Such charm is quite appealing." Kathryn laid a hand atop Chakotay's. "It is true Your Majesty, my Lord is a man of many talents." The dinner passed quite pleasantly with conversation and food. The Voyager officers found themselves truly liking the inhabitants of this small and isolated world. By the end of the meal they were all charmed by their hospitality and decency. The Xantarians were likewise captivated by their visitors. Chakotay proved the victor in the battle to gain Gregic's trust, his open nature and giving personality a reassurance to the watchful knight. The two found a connection in their interest in battle tactics and weaponry, and spent most of the night discussing the possible options in almost every battle situation. Tom and Harry managed to charm the ladies and even a few of the more boisterous knights of Cedera's court. Kathryn and Cedera found that the blossoming friendship of that morning continued to grow; each viewing the other as a kindred spirit. Little Kol conducted himself with dignity and sobriety, the lessons in protocol which Tuvok had insisted he undertake, proving of benefit. Dinner was followed by dancing and the soon to be crowned Queen was expected to have the first dance. It was no surprise to Kathryn when Cedera led Gregic onto the dance floor. "Do you think Cedera has an interest in Gregic?" whispered Chakotay. Kathryn looked at her husband as if he had just grown a horn. "What's that look for?" "I'm just wondering how you can be so connected to your own heart that you would pursue me for years and not have already known how those two feel about each other. I knew before they had finished introducing themselves this morning." "I'm usually not concerned with other people's love lives. My attention is always on you." Kathryn chuckled. "You never let me win that type of argument do you." "Don't fight it Kathryn, I'm too charming. The Queen said so herself." "Shut up and dance with me, Chakotay." "Yes, love." The dance steps being performed by the others on the floor were far too complicated for Kathryn and Chakotay to imitate, so they settled for a more traditional terran step, hoping that the difference would be passed off as a reflection of Tegathan culture. Tom was attempting to avoid several ladies who wished to complete their evening with a dance. "I'm sorry ladies, but I am a married man. And I'm afraid that my beautiful wife is quite jealous, if she were to hear of my dancing with another woman I might never regain her heart." The crestfallen looks of the young women was almost enough for Tom to relent. "Fear not, my beauties. Sir Harry is unwed, and I venture to proclaim, a wonderful dancer. Perhaps you could prevail upon my young friend." The look Harry cast at his best friend was enough to pierce a Cardassian's hide, but Tom only laughed. Harry had been feeling quite cocky about his easy adaptation to their surroundings, Tom figured the loss of a notch or two would do him good. As he turned away from the dance floor and headed for a cup of the fine ale he had discovered in his glass that night, the helmsman spotted two knights secreting their way toward the rear of the Queen's throne. Curiosity killed the cat, thought Tom, but it's always served redheaded pilots well. Trying to look inconspicuous Tom followed them. The two men definitely looked guilty of something as they moved to the rear of the dais. Tom picked up a cup of ale and lounged against the platform. Cocking his head he was able to pick up the conversation behind him. "These Tegathan guests seem to have the new queen's attention." "Don't fret, Varan. Her preoccupation with some Tegathan scum is the perfect diversion. By the time she realizes what danger she is in it will be too late. We'll have all our men in place and that upstart female will be relieved of her crown. And if her head gets in the way, that will be too bad won't it?" Varan gasped. "You never said anything about killing a member of the royal house!" "The last member of the Royal House. If we want to insure a Choric reign certain measures will have to be taken. The new king will reward you well. That is what you want isn't it, a new Earldom to insure your power?" "I never agreed to regicide." "Stop sniveling you dung heap! You are in for the reward so you are in for the dirty work, now go find out what is keeping that sergeant. I want everyone in position by tomorrow night and his drunken arse had better have everything I need." Varan came stumbling around the dais with a terrified look upon his face. In his haste to exit the Hall he failed to notice Tom's scrutiny. Paris rose from his seat and made his way to the Captain. "Could I have a word with you Lady Kathryn?" Janeway looked up from her conversation with the Queen. One look at Tom convinced her that his request was important. Nodding in understanding she politely excused herself from the royal company and followed Tom across the room to a more secluded location. Tom glanced over his shoulder and kept his voice as low as possible. "Captain, I just heard two knights planning an attempt on the Queen's life." Kathryn's eyes registered fear for her new friend. "This mission gets more and more complicated with every minute we spend on this planet." she complained."You said it. What are you going to do?" "There are some serious ramifications to any action we do or don't take." Janeway paused in thought. "Tom, find the others and tell them we're retiring for the night. I want to discuss this together. Harry was dancing and Chakotay and Gregic were discussing battle strategy somewhere near the balcony. I'll get Kol and make my apologies to Cedera. We'll meet in the sitting room in ten minutes." "Yes Ma'am." Tom's response was so crisp he might as well have saluted. Janeway understood, she didn't like this new development any better than he did. Janeway crossed the room and spotted Kol chattering away with the young queen. What can they be talking about? "My mom doesn't do that very much, she listens and then tells them what they are going to do. No one ever argues with her, except Dad, but he says that's his job. To tell her the other side and then let her make up her own mind." "T'would seem strange here in Xantaria, women have never been given control of their lands. My coronation will be a first." "Maybe you could ask Mommy how she does it, she loves to talk about rules and stuff like that." Kathryn stepped up to stop the conversation before Kol let something slip. "Time for bed, my little man." "Aww, Mom. I'm having fun talking with Queen Cedera." "That may be, but it's way past your bedtime." "Mayhap you could join Us for breakfast young Kol? We would be most appreciative of your happy company on the eve of Our coronation." "We? Are there going to be more of you, Cedera?" Kathryn blanched, Kol's lack of knowledge regarding royal protocol was about to become evident. "Come on Kol, no more jokes. It's off to bed." Kathryn's look made it clear that he was supposed to be quiet now, and Kol complied. "I am sorry to be leaving so soon, Your Majesty, but it has been a long day. I'm afraid we must retire." "No apology is needed my friend. We would not want Our duties to burden such fine company. Go with Our blessing and if the sun rises on a happy day, we will meet tomorrow." Kathryn hoped that it would be true, the Queen could have fewer days than she imagined. "Good night, Your Majesty." "Good night, Lady Kathryn, Master Kol." Kol, remembering his lessons, bowed as Tuvok had taught him. "How did I do, Mommy?" he whispered as they made their way across the floor. "Just fine, dear. Those lessons in protocol are proving a good use of your time." "Yeah, I guess so. But I still didn't like them."
"after that Varan bolted for the door. He looked like a man who was in way over his head." Tom finished relaying the results of his easedropping and sat back down next to Harry. There was a moment of silence as the four officers contemplated this new information. Harry finally broke the quiet. "What are we going to do about this, Captain?" "We are going to do as little as possible." "We can't just leave them to carry out murder." The younger man's outrage reminded Kathryn of just how little Harry had changed in the last ten years. He was still as idealistic and sweet as his first day of active duty. "I'm not suggesting that we do nothing, but I will not involve us in the internal political struggles of this government." "Captain, these people are our friends. They saved the life of that little boy asleep in the other room. I would think that alone would prompt you to do something. We have to help them!" "Lower your voice, Lieutenant," warned Janeway quietly. "I will inform the queen of our information. Any further steps will be her decision. We are already walking all over the Prime Directive, a line must be drawn." Chakotay realized the Captain had made her decision. Further argument would only land Mr. Kim in the brig. "I think we've covered as much ground as possible tonight. Did you want to inform the queen immediately?" "No, it might arouse suspicion if we sent for an audience at this hour. Besides, Tom's information indicated they wouldn't make their move until tomorrow night. Cedera invited Kol to breakfast, I'll tell her then." The three men recognized a dismissal when they heard one. As one they rose, and Tom and Harry made their way to bed. Chakotay lingered until they had left the room. When he was alone with his wife he reached down and took her hand. "Coming to bed? You really do need some rest." "Yes." She allowed Chakotay to pull her to her feet but caught him before he could step back. Now standing nearly on top of him she slipped her arms around his waist and lay her head against his shoulder. "I wish I hadn't become so fond of these people, Chakotay. The decision to avoid interference would be a lot easier if I didn't want to protect my friends." "I sometimes feel that the Prime Directive is a big pain in the ass. But you know as well as I do why it is so necessary. The problem is that all the lectures at the Academy don't include lessons in how to deal with the guilt." "Cedera is going to be a great Queen, Chakotay. Her reign is just the kind of leadership this planet needs. If they could conquer the sexist prejudice this early in their evolution this planet could be a wonderful place of growth and opportunity for eons." "You can't control the planet's future, Kathryn. You can't even really control ours. You just have to do your best to control right now." He kissed the top of her head. When she turned her face up to his, he kissed her several times there. First her forehead, then her closed eyes, then her cheeks. He began to give real attention to her lips when a noise across the room caught his attention. "Sorry." whispered Tom, blushing. "I didn't realize I was interrupting." "That's all right Tom." forgave Janeway as she turned and leaned her back against Chakotay's chest, pulling his arms around her. "Did you need something?" "Well, I was just wondering if you would object to my going along to inform the Queen. I can't provide the name of the second man, but I could describe him." Kathryn nodded. "I don't have the problem with that. We can at least help that much." "Thank you, Captain." Tom turned and headed back to his door. "As you were," he threw over his shoulder with a wink. Chakotay chuckled. "You heard him." Kathryn managed to keep from squealing when he swept her off her feet and carried her into their room.
The next morning brought an early summons from the Queen. Kathryn quickly dressed herself and Kol, eager to inform her new friend of the impending danger. The summons had been for the entire party, and so all five of the Voyager crew followed the timid young maid down the hall to the Queen's private rooms. Cedera rose to greet them as they entered her sitting room. The commanding nature of the previous night was gone, and the open young woman they had originally met was once again in view. "Well met, my friends. I hope your night has passed well." "Well met, Cedera. We passed a pleasant evening, thank you. Your hospitality is truly more than we deserve." responded the Captain. "True friendship is never an imposition, Kathryn." The Queen motioned for all to be seated. "May I suggest we begin. I'm afraid my day is rather full, the time I have to spend with you is most limited." As the others began to fill their plates and carry the polite conversation Kathryn surveyed the room. There were several servants and attendants scattered throughout the chambers, each presumably busy with their own work. Kathryn wondered at the security this room would provide. Could she warn Cedera here, without alerting her enemies? "Your Majesty, may we speak freely?" Cedera gave her new friend a questioning look. "Of, course my Lady. There is nothing you should fear to tell me." Kathryn shook her head. "You Majesty misunderstands. It is not the nature of my speech which I question. It is the nature of our privacy." The Queen raised an eyebrow in understanding. "I see, let me place your mind at ease." She summoned one of the maids in waiting who sat at the window seat across the room. "Frela, please clear the room. There are matters I wish to discuss with my Tegathan friends which do not concern these delicate ladies." The young woman bowed deeply. "At once, Your Majesty." Cedera smiled as the young maid ushered the others from the room with a firm hand. "Frela is a dear girl and a true friend. She can be trusted to make sure our conversation is our own." She turned her full attention to Voyager's Captain. "What is it that you wish to discuss, my friend?" "Kol," spoke Chakotay before Kathryn could begin. "why don't you go finish your breakfast at that window over there. I bet you can see the horses from there." Kol looked at the window his father had indicated and shrugged. "Ok. Call me when Mom is done talking about whatever it is you don't want me to hear." With a wink at his father Kol picked up his plate and headed for the sunny window. "Kathryn," sighed Chakotay rubbing his head, "can you order Paris to quit playing with my son. He's picking up his smart mouth." Janeway smiled at the offended expression on the helmsman's face. "I'll see what I can do." Turning back to the Queen before Tom and Chakotay could continue their antics Janeway began to reveal the information they had gained the night before. When she had finished Cedera looked anything but shocked. "And so the plot thickens." "I take it from your reaction that this news is no shock?" prodded Janeway. "Alas, no. Rumors of action against my coronation have been stirring since my twelfth year, when it became clear that my father was never going to produce a second heir. The threat is what convinced him to allow Merim to begin my arms training. I am probably the only lady of noble birth to raise a shield or sword in the entire history of Xantaria. It is lucky for me that my father saw the wisdom in such a break from tradition. No, my friends, I have known something like this was coming for a very long time." "Well, that's a relief." broke in Tom. "We were afraid we would be too little help, far too late." "I assure you, Sir Tom, I am prepared. But, I must inform my councilors. There are steps which must be taken." Cedera rang a small bell and the maid Frela returned. "Lady Frela, could you send a summons for Sir Gregic and Merim. I need to speak with them immediately. I believe Sir Gregic will be breaking his fast at this hour. And I'm sure you will find Merim in the yard training his chargers" "Yes, your Majesty. I mean not to interrupt my liege, but the goldsmith is asking for an audience. He says he must examine the fit of your crown before the coronation." Cedera sighed. "Very well, tell him I will receive him in five minutes." The young girl curtsied deeply as she left the room. "Mom, can I come back over there? I need another drink." Kathryn motioned for her son to return. Pulling him into her lap she hugged him tightly before pouring him another glass of milk. "Are you done talking about stuff I'm not supposed to hear?" "Yes." Kol seemed happy with the situation and settled more comfortably into his mother's lap. "You are most perceptive, master Kol." complimented the Queen. Kol shrugged. "Mom is always working on stuff I'm not supposed to know about. One time she and the Ambassador from Renil Prime made me leave the whole building." "Renil Prime?" asked the Queen. "I am not familiar with such a name. Is it far from your land?" Kol's eyes widened as he realized he had said the wrong thing. He sighed in relief as Kathryn came to his rescue. "A small island off the opposite coast of Tegatha, Your Majesty." Any more embarrassing questions were avoided when a small man carrying a large ornate box entered the room. "I beg forgiveness, Your Majesty, but I simply must insure that your crown is completed before the ceremony. It will only take a moment." "It is no problem, master-smith. What do you need me to do?" "I only need you to hold your head still, my liege. I will check to make sure the fit is correct." Cedera straitened in her seat as the man opened the box and produced her crown. The gold and emeralds created an exquisite design. "Hey, aren't those dilithium?" whispered Kol to his parents. "Shh, I see them, honey. Let's keep it a secret, ok?" "Aye," answered Kol. Kathryn looked at each of her crewmen. It was clear that each had reached the same conclusion Kol had. The large crystals accentuating the Crown of Xantaria were dilithium. Kathryn's mind spun in search of a course of action. Finally she hit upon an approach. "Cedera, your crown is most beautiful. But, may I ask, what are those large stones? I have never seen such beautiful gems." Cedera cast a familiar look at the crown as the goldsmith removed it from her head. "The gizantium? They are quite rare, I am surprised you have not heard of them." "Heard, yes, but never seen. They are exquisite. Is there such a gem available for purchase?" "Absolutely not, My Lady!" exclaimed the smith with indignation. "Gizantium is the sole property of the Royal House, it's possession is punishable by death." Kathryn felt the blood drain from her face. Great, now what. "Oh, well." she sighed feigning disappointment, "one can dream." The smith made his way to the door muttering about the idiocy of those outside the kingdom and was nearly run over by Gregic and Merim. "You sent for me Your Majesty?" asked Merim. "Aye, Merim. Please, gentlemen take a seat. Our Tegathan friends have provided me with new information about the plans of my enemies." She turned to Paris, "Sir Tom, could you recount your tale one more time?" Paris nodded and repeated all that he had seen and heard for the Queen's advisors. When he finished, Gregic was scowling. "My Queen, can it be safe to trust this information? I mean no disrespect to your new friends, but they are somewhat unknown. Can we be sure their information does not serve your enemies?" "Gregic, you are becoming far too suspicious. These people helped save our lives, they can be trusted. But, I see my arguments do little to assure you. Will you take Merim's word? Will you trust his truth-sight?" Gregic nodded. The Queen turned to Merim who had been silent since taking his seat. "What say you, Master Merim? Can you use your truth-sight to tell me if our friends speak truly?" Merim let his gaze travel across the Voyager party. His eyes came to rest upon Kathryn, and he held her gaze as he replied. "They speak the truth regarding what transpired last night, my Queen. There are things which they hide from us, but in their concern for your safety they are genuine." Kathryn breathed a sigh of relief. At least they believe Tom's story. But this ability to determine falsehood may be something we had not counted on. Are they telepathic, empathic? "Please believe us, Sir Gregic. We want only what is best for your Queen." "It is I who must beg you, Lady Kathryn. My judgment was clouded." Chakotay grinned at the tall knight, "It is most understandable, Sir Gregic. I am familiar with wanting to insure the safety of the woman you serve. Such concerns are often more than one man can control." Gregic looked relieved. "Well said, My Lord." Gregic cast a quick look at his queen and then seemed to make a decision. "Might I call upon our new friendship, Lord Chakotay?" Chakotay looked surprised but inclined his head. "It became clear to me last night that your knowledge of battle tactics is quite sound. Could I prevail upon you to review our situation? I would value your advice." Chakotay looked at his Captain for some indication of how to proceed. Kathryn nodded, a new plan was beginning to form and this could be the way to gain everything they needed. Chakotay looked most glad to be able to help. "Of course, when would you like to begin?" "Right away, if Sir Tom's information is correct, Cedera has little time to act." The two men rose from their seats. Merim stood to join them. "Give me ten minutes to finish issuing commands to the garrison, Sir Gregic and I will join you." Gregic nodded to the older man and led Chakotay out of the room. Cedera watched them leave with a smile upon her lips. Kathryn was quite sure that she was momentarily unaware of the rest of her guests. When Kol stirred, the queen broke off her contemplation of the tall receding form and returned to her surroundings. "There is much to do, my friends. I will complete my duties regarding my coronation with haste. May I suggest that we meet again at noon? By then Merim and Gregic should have covered everything that Lord Chakotay ought to know and we can discuss our options." "As you wish, Your Majesty." agreed Janeway. With some haste she lead her team back down the hall to their own quarters. When all was again secure she began to place her new plan in motion. "Tom, you and Harry change into more nondescript clothing and head down into the city. Begin collecting the foodstuffs and have them transported up to the ship. Be sure the transport is unobserved. If we're lucky we can have both assignments complete in only one more day." Neither officer seemed to understand how that could be accomplished, but they readily agreed to begin collecting food. As she watched them leave Kathryn hoped her new plan would work; for everyone's sake.
An hour later Kathryn had finished issuing orders to Tuvok and was seated at a window waiting impatiently for her officers to return. She stroked Kol's head which the sleeping boy had placed in her lap; the activity of the last two days proving to be too taxing for him. It was ironic, but his disobedience could prove to be the key to finishing their mission. She smiled as she looked at her sons calm face. He looked so much like his father. She touched his temple wondering when he would choose to add the tattoo. A knock at the door roused her from her contemplation. Careful not to wake Kol, she rose from the window and crossed to the door. Opening it she found the same timid young girl who had been seeing to their needs. "Hello." "Begging your pardon, Me Lady, but I must tidy the room." Something in the girls manner was not right and Kathryn became immediately suspicious. Tilting her head in a silent question Kathryn opened the door wider. "Certainly." It was the girl's furtive glance behind her that saved Kathryn. Before the door could swing shut a stocky man slipped into the room and slammed the door closed. In less than a second he drew a knife and advanced on Kathryn. If she had been the type of woman she was claiming to be Kathryn would have had no chance. As her attacker swung his knife years of training rose to instinct. Janeway sidestepped and sent him sprawling to the floor with a kick. The Captain followed through by pinning him to the floor and grasping the knife. Unfortunately the man was able to find some leverage and rolled over, his larger frame now pinning Janeway. Kathryn struggled, slipping one arm free she slammed it into the throat of her aggressor, she felt satisfaction at the crunch of cartilage. The man's reaction to her blow was enough to gain her freedom. Gaining her feet Kathryn placed one more kick to the man's head and he collapsed in an unconscious heap. The maid was cowering in the corner. Kathryn cast a suspicious eye on her, but was immediately sorry for her distrust, the girl was obviously horrified. "I ha' no choice, Me Lady. He forced me to gain him access to ye." Kathryn waved off the explanation. "Go find Master Merim." The girl curtsied with haste, "Aye. Right away." Kathryn watched her scurry from the room and then turned her attention to the man at her feet. Carefully removing the knife from his still fingers she placed it on the table. Then she began to search the man's pockets. "Mom?" Kathryn glanced up from the form in front of her. Kol was sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "What's going on?" "Someone tried to attack me, sweetie. But it's ok, I handled it. He can't hurt us now." "Is he dead?" Kathryn was a bit shocked at the matter-of-fact way the Kol asked the question. "No, I just knocked him unconscious." "That's good. Is Daddy here?" "No, but it's ok. I sent for help." "That's not why I asked, Mom." With a very familiar look on his face Kol tapped the combadge inside his shirt. "Kol to Voyager." Tuvok's answer was immediate. "Tuvok here. Kol why are you using this channel?" "Commander, the Captain has just been attacked by some big man. There is no immediate danger, but my dad isn't here and so I thought you should know." Tuvok sounded pleased with Kol's answer. "That is a very wise course of action. Is there anything you require? Captain are you alright?" Kathryn smiled at her son. "No, Tuvok I'm fine. I seem to have found a very competent junior officer on this mission." "It is comforting to know that he has been listening during his lessons. Tuvok out." Kol rose from his seat and walked to the door. He opened it and peered out into the hall. "It's all clear out here. Who did you send for?" "Master Merim." Kol nodded and Kathryn almost laughed. He was obviously taking his duties as an away team member very seriously. He stuck his head out the door again. "Here he comes." Merim entered and immediately crossed to the body. Rolling him over he grunted when he saw the face. "That takes care o' one o' the schemers." "You know him?" asked Kathryn. "Aye, the man's name is Varan."
"I don't like this, Kathryn. I don't like it at all." Chakotay was pacing and he was beginning to make Kathryn nervous. "Love, will you please sit down." Chakotay didn't sit, but he did stop pacing. "Who would want to harm you. We haven't done anything since we got here to cause suspicion." "We defended Cedera. That may be enough." answer the Captain. "We were defending Kol. We had no idea she was the Queen." "You and I know that, but no one else does. We're just going to have to be careful. Now forget about it and tell me about the security for the coronation." Chakotay shrugged and finally took a seat. "It's adequate. Gregic had thought of most everything. He tends to overlook 3 dimensional attacks, but that's to be expected I guess. I added some archers on rooftops and inside the Cathedral, that should take care of it." "Are you sure this plan of yours is going to work? I'm not sure I want you hanging around if you are going to be as much a target as Cedera." "I hardly think I'm in as much danger as Cedera, and besides I'm counting on some kind of attack. If it doesn't come my whole plan falls apart." "Do you really think it will work? Will Cedera grant you crystals as reward?" "She will if we foil the assassination and it's clear that those crystals are all I want." "I'm looking forward to that part. Are you sure you want me behaving that way in front of Tom and Harry?" "Yes, I'm going to have a talk with them, but after seven years of marriage I think they have some idea of how I feel about you." Chakotay leaned over her and began to place delicate kisses across her breasts. "Chakotay what are you doing?" she asked, her voice involuntarily dropping into a more husky timbre. "Practicing" Kathryn nearly groaned when he let his tongue trail down the crease between her breasts. "We need to be busy." "I am." Kathryn laughed and Chakotay gently pushed her down onto the bed. "Kathryn, you really are beautiful in these gowns. Have I told you today how much I love you?" "Yes, but demonstrate." He was only too happy to comply. Kathryn found it ever more difficult to give any thought to the problems surrounding them as her husband began to toy with the buttons of her bodice. Responding to his kisses she didn't hear the first knock at their door. The second knock was followed with a voice. "Captain?" "Damn." she swore. Turning her head from under Chakotay's she called out to the helmsman. "Just a minute, Tom." She gave Chakotay the familiar 'I'm sorry, but it'll have to wait' look with which he had seen far too often. He kissed her firmly, pinning her body comfortably beneath his. "I know. Just don't forget where I left off." Kathryn's grin was shy. "There's no way I could." Standing and checking her appearance in the mirror Janeway headed for the door. When she opened it Tom was leaning casually against the frame. "What took you two so long?" he asked innocently. "Never mind Paris." warned Chakotay. Tom grinned. "It's a wonder you two don't have twenty children." "We've got 157, but the red headed oldest son is the worst." shot Janeway. Tom chuckled. "The Queen sent a summons. We're to report in five minutes." "Alright. Get Harry and Kol, there are a few things I want to review before we see her." Her officers quickly took their places and Janeway began to outline the plan. "Hopefully we can have this all wrapped up in another day. I authorized Tuvok to begin disguising human crewmembers and sending them to the surface. They will gather the bulk food items from wild sources. Chakotay has increased Cedera's defenses for the Coronation. It should be enough to prevent any serious action, but I'm counting on some attempt. When it comes it's up to us to prevent its success. Between the four of us plus Gregic we should be able to keep the Queen safe." "Excuse me Captain," interrupted Harry, "but how does that guarantee our supply of dilithium?" Janeway grinned. "I'm going to make it clear to Cedera that the dilithium is the only payment I will accept." She cast a nervous look at the two officers before her. "Gentlemen, the Commander and I are going to display some behavior that I would normally forbid in front of the crew. I want it understood that this in no way means that protocol will be lax once we return to the ship. Is that clear?" "Yes, Captain." answered both men crisply. "Good, now let's not keep the Queen waiting." Janeway turned and took Chakotay's arm. Together they headed down the hall walking much more closely than they normally did in public. Tom let them get slightly ahead and then grinned wickedly at Harry. "This should be fun."
"Well met my friends." Cedera greeted them. "Lady Kathryn, are you sure you are quite alright?" "Absolutely, your Majesty, but thank you for asking." Chakotay had not moved from Janeway's side, in fact if it was possible he had moved closer to her. "Cedera, I am most concerned for the safety of my Lady. Is there no way to identify the man Varan was working for?" "I am fairly certain of who it is, Lord Chakotay, the pretender Balic Choric claims the right to my throne. It is his orders which both men were following. Merim has used his truth-sight to question Varan, but as yet my men have not been able to find my true enemy. He is well hidden. I only hope we find him if his plan is foiled." "My wife will be with you, Your Majesty. I guarantee that no harm will fall to you." Cedera gave careful consideration to the way Chakotay hovered over Kathryn. "Kathryn, you are a most fortunate woman." "Yes, Your Majesty, I believe so. I only hope our plan works." "What plan is that?" "I am going to accompany you to the coronation. My men are most skilled at following without being seen. They will trail us and capture your enemies when they make their move." "Kathryn No!" shouted Chakotay, playing his role with gusto. "Truly Kathryn, there is no reason to place yourself in further danger. I am prepared to face the danger my coronation will require. I have been ready to die on this day for almost eight years." "Your death will not be necessary, Cedera. Together you and I will present an irresistible target. We will end this danger to you today." Chakotay needed little acting to call up the emotions necessary for his lines. "My love, I can not stand for this. You must not place yourself in harms way. Cedera is the true and rightful heir to Xantaria's throne, but I will not risk you simply to guarantee her reign." Kathryn turned to her husband, like him her words rang true. "Love, I must. There is more at stake here than my life. And I will be in no danger, you will be near and I fear nothing with you at my side. I am aware of your concern but this is something I will do. Do not question my decision." Chakotay sent a silent request and Kathryn's eyes answered. Gently he cupped her face in his hands. "Kathryn Janeway, I will not disobey your orders, but I will not lose you. You are more precious than any gem or treasure to me. You are more important than any title or throne. You are my heart." Chakotay and Kathryn had forgotten all about the group of people surrounding them. Kathryn smiled and caressed Chakotay's cheek. "My love, do you know how much I love you?" Chakotay's answer was a kiss far too deep for such a crowded room. Tom grinned at Harry and winked at Kol. "Are they always like this when they're alone?" he asked. Kol rolled his eyes, "All the time. I love Mommy too, but I don't kiss her half as much as Daddy." Tom and Harry laughed. The sound seemed to bring their Commanders back into the real world. Chakotay placed one more kiss upon Kathryn's forehead. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders he turned to Cedera. His voice was thick with emotion. "Her Majesty will have much to answer for if any harm falls upon my wife." Cedera smiled wistfully for the moment a teary eyed teenager and not a monarch. "Aye, Lady Kathryn, you are very lucky. Fear not, Lord Chakotay, if my enemies fall today your wife will receive any reward she may wish." The last piece of Kathryn's plan clicked into place and she smiled. Perfect, she thought, now if someone will only attack us.
"Kol, come away from there, honey." "Yes, Ma'am. I was only trying to get a look at the horses. There are an awful lot of people down there." "There are an infinite number of courtiers who think they are necessary for my coronation, Master Kol." the queen replied with a grin. "How do I look, Kathryn?" "Regal, Your Majesty." "Splendid, that is just the look I was going for." Kathryn laughed. "Oh, you're going to be a fine queen Cedera. Keep that sense of humor." Cedera eyed Janeway speculatively. "Why is it that I feel I could gain more knowledge from you, My Lady than from any King that has ever ruled?" Kathryn shook her head. "You are my friend, Cedera. One always trusts one's friends." "No, it is more than that. I see in you the Queen I wish to become, confident, brave, commanding, compassionate, warm, all the qualities that I hope to display. You are more than meets the eye, Duchess. Kathryn was beginning to become uncomfortable with this line of questioning. "Your Majesty exaggerates." "I think not, but you obviously wish not to discuss it." replied Cedera. "I will gladly change the subject if you but answer my one question, My Lady." "Pray, what is the question?" asked Kathryn with some hesitation. "How do you command the man you love? There are aspects of such a relationship which trouble me, and I would like to know how you maintain the control you obviously have on your men while sharing in the type of love so evident in your Lord?" Kathryn smiled. "It is a fine line, but one worth walking. It took me a long time to realize that. The key is to define the relationship early. There must be no doubt of when you command and when you share, if you can avoid that confusion the rest will take care of itself." Cedera sighed. "I hope such a line will prove necessary." "I think Sir Gregic will be most willing to draw such a line, Your Majesty." Cedera's eyes widened in shock and Kathryn laughed. "Don't worry, my Queen, I will not tell a soul." There was a rap on the door and the young maid, Frela hurried in. "All is ready, Your Majesty." Cedera stood, gathering the pleats of the silver gown about her. Head high the new queen of Xantaria headed for the door. Kathryn followed with Kol in tow and the three took their places among the crowd gathered in the hall. Chakotay slid next to Kathryn and placed his hand possessively against the small of her back. "Take care, Love. This is far more dangerous a mission than we originally believed." Kathryn smiled into his eyes, "I'll be fine. You just make sure you are close enough to help when things start happening." "I will." he kissed her quickly and then turned to Kol. Dropping to one knee he gave his son a hug. "You stay close to Mommy, ok. Things could get dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt." Kol snapped his little body to attention. "Yes Sir." Then with a grin he hugged his father. "I'll be real good, Dad." Chakotay stood and smiled at them both before slipping back into the crowd. In a moment he had completely disappeared. The compliment of royal guards began to form up around the queen and Kathryn was forced to push thoughts of Chakotay away. In moments they were moving through the castle toward the coronation procession outside. As they reached the Great Hall, Kathryn began to scan the walls for signs of an assassin. She could see no one. Merim had done an excellent job of insuring that no one remained inside to watch the queen's passing. It was a strong security measure. Her confidence in Merim's precautions made the attack a complete surprise. Two of the honor guards turned on the Queen just as the party rounded the corner into the entry hall. The man on the left managed to aim true, and his spear caught the queen in the chest. Blood spouted from the wound, staining the silver silk a deep crimson. As the second man loosed his weapon Kathryn deflected the spear and it clattered to the stone floor. Seeing his attack had failed the man darted in to finish the job by hand. Kathryn met his advance and toppled with him to the floor. By this time, Gregic, Chakotay and the others were fighting their way through the mix of loyal and traitorous soldiers to reach the women. Seeing Gregic's tall frame roaring it's way toward him, the first assassin searched desperately for an escape-- there was none. Kathryn knew what his decision was before the murderer found Kol, but as she struggled with the second attacker there was nothing she could do to save her son. "Kol! Run." she ordered. Kol broke away from the crowd and headed for the stairwell, but his little legs were not fast enough. In three strides the soldier caught him and scooped him roughly into the air. Shouting for safety lest he kill the boy, the man scrambled up the stairs and disappeared. Kathryn struggled to gain the upper hand with the man still bent on killing his queen. Suddenly his body stiffened and then crashed lifelessly to the floor. Kathryn looked up to find Cedera holding a long and pointed dagger. The queen was deathly pale, and soaked in blood, but there was a look of satisfaction upon her face. "Go find your son, Lady Kathryn. If I die today I would not take him with me." Kathryn leapt to her feet and sprinted for the stairs. Her officers had reached the queen, pausing only long enough to insure that Gregic had Cedera in hand, they followed their Captain. Kathryn reached the second floor hall and caught a glimpse of a door shut in haste. "Down here," she called to Chakotay. Running full speed they sped down the corridor and burst into the Queen's private apartments together. "Get me out of here, or I kill the boy." snarled the man cornered behind the bed. Kol's eyes were wide with fright, but he stood rock steady under the knife at his throat. "Tom, go get Gregic." ordered Janeway. "Yes, Ma'am." answered Paris. When the helmsman had gone Janeway turned to the assassin. "We'll do what we can, just stay calm. Why don't you let him go, and we'll discuss your options." "Do I look like a fool, woman! I will not release the boy until I am away from this castle. I just killed my queen, my life is forfeit unless I have him for security." "I am not dead yet, Sergeant," snapped a voice from the doorway. Janeway spun around to find Cedera standing in the room. She leaned heavily upon her knight, but she was standing. "Release the boy and We will consider your justification for your actions today." "You'll be dead before the sun set's my queen. Your decision would have no merit. I prefer to wait for the judgement of my true King. Balic Choric will be the next ruler of Xantaria." Gregic slipped further into the room. "Let the boy go, Macin." he growled threateningly. Kol's eyes had been dancing across the room. Suddenly he raised his arm and tapped his chest. "Voyager, eight to beam up." "Kol, no!" called Kathryn, but it was too late. As the transporter gripped them, Kathryn tried desperately to think of a way to salvage the situation.
Chakotay was shouting orders before he finished materializing. "Weapon." he barked, knowing that the computer would not have recognized the dagger at his son's throat as a danger. The Ensign at the transporter terminal did not hesitate. Opening the panel under the console she pulled out a phaser and fired at Macin. He dropped before he even realized what was happening. "Security to transporter room one." continued Chakotay. "Ensign, get his knife and keep an eye on him until Tuvok's people arrive." "Aye, Sir." she responded crisply. "I knew there was more to your story, Lady Kathryn." whispered Cedera. "I'm glad I saw at least part of it before I die." Kathryn looked at the queen's pale and clammy skin, noting the growing blood stain. She reached a decision almost before she considered the question. "No one is going to die here today, Your Majesty." She turned to her crew knowing full well the rules she was breaking. "Tom, beam back down and secure the queen's quarters. I don't care what you tell Merim, but keep everyone out of there. They need to believe she is not seriously wounded, and will return shortly." "Aye, Captain." answered Paris climbing back atop the transporter. "Energize." Cedera and Gregic stared in amazement as Tom vanished before them. Kathryn turned to her wide eyed friends as if nothing were wrong. "Gregic, please carry Cedera. I'm not sure she can make it much further. Let's hurry people, the queen has lost a lot of blood." Gregic scooped his small queen up into his arms without hesitation. He didn't understand anything that was happening, but if Lady Kathryn could save Cedera's life he would follow her anywhere. Janeway led the five others through the corridors to sickbay. She could hear the queen's shallow breathing and she feared her decision had come too late. "Captain?" inquired the EMH as she led the Xantarians into his hospital. "Cedera has a stab wound to the chest, doctor. I'd like you to take a look and do the best you can." "A stab wound?" he retorted. "You make it sound like something I can't cure." He stepped past his Captain and motioned to Gregic. "Bring her over here. Quickly man, I don't have all night." Gregic was eyeing the EMH with suspicion. "Put me down, Gregic my love, I do not wish to die." commanded Cedera. "Yes, my Queen." answered Gregic automatically. It was only after he lay her down that her form of address reached his worried ears. "Cedera?" "Yes, Gregic." the queen laughed and it caused a fit of coughing. When she ceased she was noticeably weaker. "I do love you Gregic. If I die, I want you to know." The doctor had been administering to Cedera as the two young people talked, but he finally lost his patience. "Young man please, you must move. It will do you no good to love a dead woman. Now move out of my way." Chakotay reached out and pulled Gregic away from the biobed. "Everything will be fine, my friend. Let's wait over here until the doctor has your queen back on her feet." "I pray that may be possible, Lord Chakotay. But, my queen suffers from the type of wound I know to have killed many a man." Chakotay lay an affectionate arm across Gregic's shoulders. "Don't give up hope, sir knight." Kathryn motioned for Chakotay to join her and Harry. They crossed the room until they were well out of earshot of the young knight. "Alright, Kol and I have managed to throw the Prime Directive strait out the airlock. I'm not sure how to handle this, but hopefully we can limit the truth to Cedera and Gregic. Harry, get a sedative from the Doctor and head down to the transporter room. I want Cedera's assassin kept sedated until we get him back where he belongs." "Yes, Captain." Harry hurried off to complete his work before Macin's phaser shot wore off. "What are you going to tell Cedera?" Chakotay asked quietly. "I honestly don't know. I shouldn't even have brought her here, but I couldn't stand by and watch her die. Not when it was so easily preventable." "Captain," called the doctor. Janeway and Chakotay turned to see the doctor stepping away from the queen. "How is she, doctor." The EMH smiled self-congratulations. "Fine of course. She did lose a great deal of blood, and if you had waited much longer to bring her to me it might have turned out much differently, but I have worked my usual magic, and she will be fine." Cedera was struggling to sit up. After only two efforts she succeeded. Gregic stared at his love as if she were a ghost. "Are you so unhappy that I live, Sir Gregic?" "Nay, my Queen. It is just that I have never before witnessed a miracle." "T'was no miracle, my knight. Did you not hear this man? T'was magic that cured me." Kathryn stepped forward to silence that ridiculous notion, but Chakotay stopped her. "Let them believe it, Kathryn. I'm not sure they would understand the truth and magic is something they can understand." Before Kathryn had time to debate the merits of his argument Cedera called to her. "I am again in debt to you for my life, Lady Kathryn. It is a debt I intend to repay, though I know not what gift I may grant to so powerful a magician. But, please, may we not return to my realm? There is yet much I must do this day." Kathryn smiled in complete understanding. "Right away, Your Majesty."
"How is our third guest, Mr. Kim?" she asked as they reentered the transporter room. "Still unconscious, Captain." Kathryn nodded. "I just hope we can convince him his transport was a dream." "Why would such a thing be necessary, Lady Kathryn?" asked Cedera. "Our kind is not supposed to reveal ourselves, my Queen. By bringing you here and treating your wounds Kol and I have broken our most sacred law." The queen nodded. "Fear not. It matters little what this dog believes, I will have his head hanging on my gate by nightfall." Kathryn blanched at the viciousness of Cedera's promise, but restrained herself from discussing the morality of the local judicial system. Instead she tapped her still concealed combadge. "Janeway to Paris." "Pairs here." responded Tom. "What's the situation, Mr. Paris." "Touch and go, Captain. Merim is not happy about being kept away from the Queen, and her doctor is clamoring to be let in to treat her." "Hang on just a moment longer, we're on our way." "Yes, Ma'am." Tom couldn't keep the relief out of his voice. Janeway was about to usher everyone onto the transporter when the door slid open. "B'Elanna!" cheered Kol, breaking away from his mother and running to the engineer. "Boy, No!" shouted Gregic making a grab for Kol. When Torres scooped Kol up into a hug the knight turned to Chakotay. "Do you not fear to have that monster hold your son?" Chakotay laughed. "That is no monster, that is Sir Tom's wife." Gregic looked more shocked than he already had. He turned and laid a protective arm around his queen. "Tis a strange land these powerful friends have brought us to, my liege." Cedera patted his arm absently as she watched Torres and Janeway closely. "Mayhap, but I think there is much to learn here, my Gregic." "Captain," began Torres as she set Kol back on his feet. "Our situation is getting desperate. The crystals are quickly approaching failure. I'm afraid I've done all I can, if we don't replace them soon, we won't be going anywhere ever again." Janeway nodded. "Understood, Commander." she glanced over her shoulder at the young queen. "Do what you can. Hopefully we can have a solution for you in the next few hours." Torres nodded brusquely. "Tell Tom hi and that Katie and I miss him." she said turning to leave. "Chakotay, Starfleet." she added as she passed her friends. "Oh, did you want me to take Kol?" "No," said Janeway with a frown. "he still might be missed and we've done enough damage already. He'll have to see it through." "Alright, but you and I are going to have a talk, So'Chem." she said pointing a threatening finger at Kol. Kol tried to look innocent, but he didn't think it worked.
Kathryn and her party materialized in the queen's apartments to find Tom leaning heavily against the door. "Am I glad you're back. I don't think they are going to stand for this much longer." "Fear not, Sir Tom. I will set their minds at ease." Opening the door Cedera stepped out into the hall. "Your Majesty." exclaimed Merim with both pleasure at seeing his queen and shock at seeing her bloodsoaked garments. "As you can see, my friend, I am quite all right. I had a slight injury, but the Lady Kathryn has tended to it." "Your Majesty does not wish for me to treat her injury?" inquired the surgeon with indignation. "Not this time, Master Surgeon. Much time has been wasted already." She turned her attention back to the Garrison Commander. "Merim, please insure that all preparations are complete. The ceremony will continue as soon as I am suitably attired. Also, take all prisoners to the dungeon. I will be pronouncing their punishment before dark." "Aye, My Queen." replied Merim with a smile. Cedera did not wait for him to leave, but returned to her room. "My friends, I must prepare myself. Sir Gregic, please escort that traitor-dog to my dungeon." she commanded gently, pointing to the still unconscious man on the floor. "Lady Kathryn, could you attend me please." "Of course, My Queen." answered both the knight and the Captain.
"It certainly was a beautiful ceremony." whispered Chakotay as they watched the new Queen bow her head and accept her crown. Shafts of sunlight laced their way from the windows high in the wall to the floor below. As Cedera stood and turned to face the throng of subjects she stepped into one such beam, the light hit the dilithium in her crown and the effect was dazzling. "That's why they use dilithium." said Kathryn shading her eyes from the blaze surrounding the Queen. "It does create a spectacular symbol for their monarch." agreed Chakotay. "If such an aura surrounds her every time she enters sunlight the Royal House would have no trouble convincing the population of their divine right to govern." Cedera was moving slowly through the Cathedral, as she passed each subject dropped quickly to their knees in homage. Cedera accepted their symbolic declaration of loyalty with grace. As she passed the Voyager crew they too fell to their knees not wanting to offend the Xantarians. Cedera stopped and reached out to take Kathryn's hand. "We can not accept such reverence from you Lady Kathryn. You and your people are far beyond Our meager dominion. Rise Lady Kathryn, rise Lord Chakotay, please, friends. We will not, nay cannot accept such vassalage." Kathryn rose, "Your Majesty is far too liberal. Such action will cause your subjects to doubt your sovereignty. The crown should never weaken its position, for any being." "Mayhap, but Our subjects will find that We have been most diligent in Our studies. We will command strongly, but We are wise enough to recognize when We are bested. You are far more than they suspect and We will not pretend that We do not realize such truth." Kathryn sighed, hoping she was not making a mistake. "Your Majesty is most kind." Cedera smiled. "That is better, We are not used to people contradicting Our wishes. Accompany Us to the celebration, there is still much to discuss. We will find a way to repay Our debt to your assistance, and there is yet much We wish to learn from your company." With the Voyager crew at her heels the new Queen exited the Cathedral. Her eyes dared any subject to challenge her new friends placed at her back.
The celebratory feast was in full swing before Cedera was free to talk openly with her friends. Rising from her throne in which she had been accepting the oaths of loyalty from her nobility, the young Queen crossed to her place at the table and sat down next to Kathryn. "This day passes more pleasurably than We dared ever hope, dear friends." "Your Majesty deserves much credit for the success of today." replied Chakotay. "Nay, We are most aware of the contribution of your people, my Lord." Cedera paused and gave Chakotay a sly smile. "I know such title is not your true claim, pray how should We address you all?" "Our titles are of no real importance here, Your Majesty. If you wish you may just refer to us by our names. It is common among our people." Kathryn smiled. "Well put, Love." Chakotay grinned at his wife. "Thanks, it's that devastating charm the Queen noticed the other day." Cedera and Kathryn both laughed. "Kathryn, will you not tell me the true reason you have come to my kingdom?" asked Cedera dropping the formality in hope of putting her friends at ease. Janeway sat silently weighing the extent of the damage she had already inflicted on the Prime Directive; it lay in shreds before her. "What the hell." she said with a shrug. "We are here because we are in need. Those beings that you saw on our recent excursion were but a few of the lives for which I am responsible. In total my people number 157, not a great number compared to your realm, but it is more than I am sometimes able to care for." "We are lost and traveling home. Our journey is long and isolated and our supplies limited. Recently we have developed a great need for two necessities. One is food, that is something we have easily begun to acquire from not only your kingdom, but Marcal and Tegatha as well. The second need is more pressing and far more difficult to acquire. The crystals which you call gizantium are greatly valued by our people as well. They are the basis for our propulsion, without them we are unable to continue on our way home. It was our intention to enter your city and purchase such crystals." "But gizantium is not for sale." finished Cedera. Kathryn nodded. "That is our problem." "Then my debt to you is easily paid. I will make you a gift of as much of the jewel as you desire." Kathryn smiled at the offer, but she still remained hesitant to accept such an offer. "Is that wise? Gizantium is the sole property of the Royal House, I wish not to jeopardize your sovereignty." Cedera smiled in return. "I have learned much from you my friend, and the most important lesson has been that I must do things my way. My subjects will benefit in the long run, and the growing pains will not kill them." Kathryn laughed. "That is a lesson I took much longer to learn, the wisdom of Xantaria's crown is unmatched." Cedera blushed at the compliment. "I have much work left to do this night. Please excuse me, and wish me luck in what I am about to do." As the Queen rose Kathryn nodded. "Always, my friend." Chakotay leaned close and took Kathryn's hand. "What do you think she has planned?" he asked. "I'm not sure, we'll just have to wait and see." "You handled her question about our true mission very well." "I hope you're right. I don't think I could live with myself if I did any harm to this wonderful planet." Chakotay squeezed her hand tightly. "That's what makes you such an excellent Captain." Kathryn kissed his cheek tenderly, "Thank you." "Any time." Movement caught his eye and he gestured behind her with his chin. "Cedera is about to begin." Kathryn turned to find the Queen climbing the steps to her throne. Taking her place she pounded the floor with a long scepter. When the room grew quickly quiet she smiled. "There is much that We must still accomplish on this night." she told her subjects. Scanning the crowd she called loudly, "Master Merim." "Yes my Queen." answered the soldier crisply from his station near the door. "Bring forth the prisoners. We will deal with the traitors to Our crown before we go further into Our reign." "At once My Queen." answered Merim with an approving smile. Only a few silent moments passed before Merim's soldiers drug twelve chained men into the hall. The guards placed their prisoners before their queen and stepped back. Walking behind each man Merim began to kick their legs out from under them. "Kneel before your Lord." he ordered them. Macin was the last to fall. He raised his head defiantly as his body crashed to the floor. "I will not kneel freely to this woman." Cedera eyed him coldly. "And that is why you will die, traitor." Cedera took in each of the men on the floor before her, raising her voice so that all could hear her she pronounced her punishment. "For crimes against the State and its reigning Monarch We sentence you to immediate death. Let the word be spread throughout the lands of Xantaria that the new Queen is far from weak. Royal blood and power make Us far more than the average woman. We will suffer no disobedience to Our law, the House of Taric is now as strong as it ever has been." "Master Merim, have these dogs taken into the courtyard and executed immediately." "At once My Queen." As the men were dragged from the room to meet their end Merim remained standing in front of his Lord. "Is there something more We may do for you Merim?" asked the Queen. "Nay, there is something I wish to do for you, My Liege. A coronation gift if it pleases you." Cedera smiled. "That is most kind, but unnecessary. Your loyalty and devotion have never been in question my Friend." Merim gave a curt gesture to the guards at the door. "I think your Majesty will wish to accept this gift." Cedera watched the door with interest. After a minute two guards entered pulling a terrified and squirming man between them. Cedera's eyes lit with fire. "Merim, this is most welcome." She stood as the guards brought the man to stand before her. "So, we meet Balic Choric. Do you still claim the right to My throne?" "That is not your throne, wench. No woman is fit to govern Xantaria. When your father died, I became the rightful Monarch of this Kingdom." he spat. Cedera shook her head. "I was hoping you would say as much. I have grown most tired of thwarting your assassination attempts over the last eight years. You really should have tried harder, you know. They really weren't much of a challenge, even when I was twelve." Choric's face grew red at her taunting and he struggled with his bonds. "Now, now, Choric don't be so hurried to escape Our custody. The release of your bonds will mean your loss of a head, and that shouldn't come so soon." The Queen turned to face Merim. "The gift you have given Us is far more than We expected, Master Merim. We wish to reward such work. If it will please you, you are authorized to conduct this scum's execution yourself. Be sure to take your time." Merim bowed deeply. "Thank you Your Majesty. That is something I have awaited for eight long years. It will give my life great glory." He called to his guards. "Take him out and make him watch the end of those he thought would gain him the crown. When it is done call me and I will end his life as well." Choric was crying as they drug him from the throne. No one shed a tear for him. "Their judicial system certainly is harsh." noted Chakotay as they watched the soldiers exit the room. "Cedera can't change everything in a day." observed Kathryn, "Give her time, I think this planet's days of savagery are limited." Together the officers returned their attention to the young woman retaking her seat on the throne. "Having taken care of that unpleasant business there are happier duties for Us to perform." she announced to the guests. "Many of you have been curious about Our new association with the guests from Tegatha." continued the Queen. "Oh, gods" whispered Kathryn. "what is she doing?" "We have benefited greatly from this new friendship. Not only was Our life preserved, but we have learned much about ourselves and our future. In recognition of their services We will now reward these new friends. Please approach Us, friends." It was clearly a command, and the Voyager crew quickly rose and approached the Queen. "Lady Kathryn Janeway, Lord Chakotay approach Us and kneel." commanded the Queen. Kathryn and Chakotay each stepped up and knelt on the edge of the dais. Standing, Cedera drew the sword hanging near her right. The ease with which she controlled the weapon a sharp contrast to the silk and satin adorning her small frame. "For service to Our crown which fell far beyond that of even a true subject you will be rewarded." Cedera raised the sword and brought it down to touch Kathryn's head. "I can not repay the gift of my life, Lady Kathryn, but in an attempt I grant you the lands and title to the Duchy of Redin. Accept our gift and rise Duchess Kathryn rose, trying desperately to find a way to decline; she could find none. In silence she watched as Cedera again raised the sword and this time brought it down upon Chakotay's head. "Along with the lands and title I have conferred upon your wife, Duke Chakotay, I hereby with the power of my crown make you my true and loyal knight. Rise Sir Chakotay." Chakotay rose and gave his wife a grin. He too knew of no way to refuse the Queen's gifts. Cedera was not finished, this time she lowered her weapon and called to Kol. "Approach the crown Master Kol." Kol looked at his parents for permission and Kathryn nodded. With a wide-eyed gaze at the huge sword in the Queen's hand he climbed the steps and knelt before Cedera. "Master Kol, you are truly more brave and clever than any man fully grown. Without your assistance Our life would have ended this day. Therefore We are willing to grant you honor not normally appropriate for one so young." The young Queen raised her sword and brought it down upon Kol's small dark head. "Rise Sir Kol, my true and loyal Knight." With a shout of joy Kol leapt to his feet and bounded down the steps to take his place at his father's side. His exuberance caused the Queen to laugh. "You are truly a treasure, Sir Kol." "And now, approach Us Tom Paris and Harry Kim. Your service to our crown will not go unnoticed." Harry and Tom both knelt before Cedera and she repeated the procedure. "Rise Sir Tom, Rise Sir Harry, my true and loyal Knights." Both officers stood and stepped back to take their places behind Janeway. "There is but one more thing that We may do to offer payment for preserving Our life." As she continued Cedera cast a look across the room demanding that no one defy what she was about to proclaim. "For your bravery and success, We grant you the gift of gizantium There was a shocked exclamation from nearly everyone assembled, but the Queen silenced the interruption by pounding her scepter against the dais. Kathryn stepped slightly forward and bowed to the Queen. "These gifts are truly more than we deserve, My Liege. They are accepted with humility and awe. But pray, may I ask one boon of the crown?" "Ask and it shall be granted." "Our travels will make the governing of such land difficult, My Queen. Could you appoint some deserving and qualified subject to act as regent until such time as I can return to reclaim my land?" "A wise choice, Duchess. Have you any candidate for such a position?" Kathryn shook her head. "I would not presume to question the wisdom of the crown. Your Majesty should place whomever she feels would most benefit my subjects." Cedera nodded. "Master Merim," she called. "Yes, Your Majesty." answered Merim snapping to attention. "It is Our wish, Commander, that you take on this responsibility." There was a second wave of exclamations as the crowd learned that their Queen was about to place land in the hands of a common soldier. Merim had gone deathly pale. "Your Majesty must be joking. I am but a simple soldier, I cannot accept such an honor." "Merim, approach Us." ordered Cedera. The burly man approached his Queen and knelt before her. Cedera smiled. "Dear Merim. Your service to Our crown has not gone unnoticed over the last twenty years. It is you more than anyone to whom We owe Our crown." She raised her sword and Kathryn smiled as she realized what Cedera was about to do. The Queen lowered her blade and touched it with love upon Merim's silver head. "Rise Sir Merim, my true and loyal Knight." There were tears in Merim's eyes as he rose to his feet. "I will not fail you, My Queen." Cedera cast a look into the crowd before her. "If any man wishes to challenge this Knight, do so now. But I warn you, you will first have to raise your arms against me." No one responded and Cedera smiled. "Let it be known that this Crown will grant recognition to any who deserve it without regard to class, and blood." Tears threatened to fall from the Queen's eyes as her subjects cheered this proclamation. When silence again returned the Queen replaced her sword and took her seat upon her throne. "There is yet one more duty that We must perform this night, and it is the most happy duty. Sir Gregic, approach us." Gregic approached his Queen with questioning eyes and quickly knelt at her feet. Cedera took his hands in hers and leaned forward. "Sir Gregic, my true and loyal Knight We could never doubt you loyalty to this house. You have proved your dedication to Our Reign more times than We can count. But, there is one declaration that We must have from you." Gregic's head shot up and he looked upon the face of his Queen with honest adoration. "I will gladly pledge anything My Queen desires, She need only ask." he replied. Cedera smiled and Kathryn could see not the ruler of Xantaria, but the young woman in love with the man at her feet. "Gregic, I would have your pledge of love. Will you bind your life to mine and become the Prince Consort? Will you marry me?" "I pledge my love with all my heart, Cedera." he rose and turned to face the crowd. "Let all the kingdom hear my Pledge. I Gregic Nicin do offer my love and life to Cedera Taric, Queen of Xantaria." There was a shout of pleasure from every corner of the room as the young Knight turned to his Queen and pulled her into his arms. The crowd continued to cheer, but neither lover heard them as they lost themselves in a deep kiss.
"Are you sure you will not stay, Kathryn? The wedding is only a fortnight away, and it would be most happy if you were in attendance." Kathryn shook her head and smiled at the young couple "We must leave. The gizantium you provided is ready, and my people are anxious to resume our journey home." "It will sadden our hearts to marry without you, My Lady." said Gregic gently. Kathryn looked at the young man standing next to his Queen. Gregic had barely left Cedera's side since proclaiming his love, she grinned wolfishly at the knight. "I think nothing will sadden you on that day, gentle Knight." Gregic rewarded her with a blush and Kathryn chuckled. "I wish you only the best my friends. You have a wonderful world here, guard it well." Cedera hugged the Captain, blinking back tears and Kathryn almost began to cry herself. Before leaving became any more difficult she tapped her communicator. "Voyager, one to beam up."
She materialized in transporter room one to find Chakotay waiting for her. "Status Commander?" "All systems ready. We await your order to get under way, Captain." "Janeway to Bridge." "Aye Captain." responded Tuvok. "Tuvok leave orbit and plot a course for the alpha quadrant." Aye Captain." responded the Vulcan. "Engage at your discretion, my friend. I'm on my way." Janeway and Chakotay had not reached the turbolift before she sensed the jump to light speed. As the doors closed on the two of them she smiled at Chakotay. "Things certainly have improved in the last week." "Yes, but we were very lucky. I think a family conference is in order. Kol needs to understand just how seriously wrong his actions were." Kathryn nodded. "After dinner tonight."
As Kathryn pulled the covers around Kol's shoulders she felt reasonably sure that he understood the consequences of his actions. But then again, the Prime Directive was something that even Captains had trouble understanding. It wouldn't be fair to expect more from him than he was capable of doing. "Mommy?" "Yes, sweetheart." "Do I still get to be a Knight?" "Yes dear. You are Sir Kol for as long as you live." "That's good. I like being a Knight. Mommy, I promise I won't break the Prime Directive again." "Don't ever promise something you can't deliver Kol. You never know what the future will bring. Why don't we settle for you trying never to break the Prime Directive." Kol seemed to consider her words carefully. "Ok." Kathryn kissed his head and headed for the door. "Good night, my little man." "Mommy?" Kathryn stopped just inside the door. "Yes?" "Can Katie and I go to the lake tomorrow?" "I'll see if Daddy and I can get the Holodeck time. If it works out, we'll go." "Thanks Mom." "You're welcome. Now go to sleep." "Ok. I love you Mommy." "I love you too, Kol. Goodnight." "Goodnight. Tell Daddy I love him too." Kathryn smiled as she dimmed the light. How did he turn out so perfect? she asked herself. Rounding the corner she found Chakotay still meditating. Not wishing to disturb his visionquest she picked up Tuvok's report on the ship's activity during her absence and headed for the bedroom. Twenty minutes later she was so involved in reading that she failed to hear Chakotay enter the room. She jumped when he placed a kiss on her neck. "Are you going to read that thing all night?" "Actually, I was just waiting for you." "Waiting for what?" "I thought maybe you would like a little personal time with the Captain. She's been a little busy the past few days." Chakotay slid his hands under her shirt and pulled it over her head. "Mmm, you know what they say about all work and no play." Kathryn pulled the clasp on his pants and let them sink to the floor. "Just what do they say?" Chakotay pushed her down on the bed and placed himself fully on top of her. "I don't remember exactly, but I'm certain it's not good." "Well, I definitely want to be good." Chakotay gave her a mock look of horror. "And I thought you were such a naughty girl" Kathryn grinned wickedly. "I can be." "Oooh, just what I wanted to hear." With a shove Kathryn flipped her husband over on his back. She could feel her body responding to the touches he was placing all over her and she could feel his readiness beneath her thighs. Standing at the foot of the bed she slowly began to remove the rest of her clothing. With an eager grin Chakotay raised himself up on his elbows to watch. Smiling at his look, Kathryn made sure to remove the clothes as seductively as possible. When she finished her impromptu striptease Chakotay's erection was straining against his underpants. With forced leisure she moved closer and began to remove Chakotay's clothes, saving the most restrictive garment for last. As she freed his member it sprang forward with what seemed its own eagerness. "My, but we are ready. What exactly was in that visionquest tonight?" "My guide told me to enjoy the pleasures of our life." "What wonderful advice." Kathryn squealed as Chakotay's arm shot out and pulled her off her feet. Rolling into his arms she found herself pinned once again beneath the man she loved. Spreading her legs she invited him inside her waiting body. The slow advance he made inside her made her moan loudly with pleasure and anticipation. When he finally pushed his way fully inside her he began to rock them gently. Her first orgasm was a gentle and warm experience, nearly making her cry with its power. Chakotay kissed away the salty tears behind her eyelids and without removing himself rolled over to reverse their positions. As he gave control of their union to her Kathryn felt her desire erupt again. Kissing him deeply she ground her hips tightly against him, and was gratified when he moaned into her mouth. Kathryn raised her body and dangled her breasts over his head. Chakotay zealously attacked them, making her groan as he slid his hot tongue around and over her nipples. "Kathryn, please." he gasped his hands making furtive pleas upon her hips. Kathryn smiled and slammed herself down upon him fully. His back arched in reaction, shoving himself more deeply inside her. Falling to her side and wrapping a leg around his waist she carried him with her. His pounding rhythm was enough to start her own orgasm and she felt herself losing control; she gave it up freely. Together they scrambled savagely for pleasure until sweating and panting they climaxed. Chakotay swirled his fingers down her back. Letting them follow their own course they floated down her buttocks and around the seal of their bodies. Smiling with satisfaction Kathryn nibbled his shoulder. "I love you." "I know. I love you too." Kathryn closed her eyes. "Don't go anywhere yet, I want to stay this way for a moment." Chakotay held her tightly until his body no longer fit as tightly into hers. When sleep began to claim her mind Kathryn rolled over and snuggled into his arms backward. "Good night, Love." Chakotay kissed her bare shoulder tenderly. "Good night"
"Sickbay to Captain Janeway." Kathryn's eyes flew open at the call. "Janeway here." The EMH sounded apologetic. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you Captain, it is past your normal wake-up time and I thought you would be getting ready for the day." Kathryn looked at the chronometer. Yes, it was past time for her to be up. Lost in the moment neither she nor Chakotay had bothered to set the alarm. "It's quite alright, Doctor. I should have been up quite some time ago. What can I do for you?" "There are some test results from your post-mission exam that I think we should discuss. Can you stop by sometime today?" "Yes, Doctor. I'll be there as soon as possible." Chakotay was watching her closely as the commlink terminated. "Do you think something is wrong?" She shrugged. "Probably not, I'm guessing that I picked up some little Xantarian bug. I'm sure I'll be fine." Chakotay kissed her. "You better be." "No time for that, Commander we're running late. You go wake Kol while I shower and then I'll dress him while you get ready." "Aye, Captain." Kathryn kissed him before climbing out of bed. "Just what I love, a man who follows orders."
"Come." called Kathryn as put down the PADD she had been reading. The door to the Bridge slid open and Chakotay stepped into her Ready Room. "Time for lunch. Coming?" "Yes, but I need to stop by Sickbay first. You go on ahead and meet Kol, I'll be there in a few moments." "Alright." Kathryn's thought were on ships business as she entered Sickbay, but she managed to give the Doctor her full attention after he informed her of the reason for her visit. "Why am I just now discovering this?" she asked in amazement. "Well, you probably would have figured it out on your own soon enough. It took longer this time because Kes is no longer with us. I can't look at you and tell the way she could." Kathryn's heart winced at the mention of Kes and the look of anguish her name caused the EMH. "I miss her too, Doctor." she said quietly squeezing his hand. The EMH straightened self consciously. "Yes, we all do. It really is unfair that the Ocampa life span is so short, but we knew what would happen when she came aboard. Anyway, Captain." he continued trying to recap the pain he had been feeling the last year. "I estimate your pregnancy to be about seven weeks along. It should be a much easier experience than the first one since your body has been through the process before. That is if you don't manage to be abducted by a Q again." Kathryn let the jibe pass, too much in shock to spar with the Doctor. In confusion she slid off the biobed and made her way to the door. As the news began to sink in a slow smile spread it's way across her face. By the time the turbolift stopped on deck 2 she was grinning like an idiot. The Mess Hall was nearly empty when she made her way to the table Chakotay and Kol were saving for her. Chakotay looked at her with curiosity as she sat. "What did the Doctor say, Kathryn. You look completely bowled over." Kathryn smiled and leaned over to kiss him deeply. Chakotay responded automatically and then cast a wary glance around the room to note the few crewmembers still remaining. "You are breaking protocol, Captain. What's up?" "My weight fairly soon I think." "Huh?" "Well as I recall, I gained quite a bit of weight when I was pregnant with Kol. I don't see why this time should be any different." Chakotay's reaction was slow and it was Kol who spoke first. "You're gonna have a baby?" Chakotay's smile at the question was angelic. Kathryn grinned at her son. "Yep. Which would you like a baby sister, or a baby brother." "I don't know. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you." Chakotay laughed. "He's his mother's child, never rush into anything." The excitement was finally more than Chakotay could contain and he leapt to his feet and pulled Kathryn into a hug. Laughing with delight he spun her across the room. "Commander, please!" shouted Neelix. "I must ask you to conduct yourself appropriately." Chakotay laughed and set Kathryn back upon her feet. "I'm sorry Neelix, I tend to get over excited when I find out I'm going to be a father." It took Neelix a moment to decipher the explanation and then he bolted for the commpanel to post a ship wide announcement. As Neelix informed the crew Kathryn wrapped her arms around the smiling man next to her. "Congratulations Dad." |