Disclaimer: Paramount is the supreme God, I am merely a lowly servant. Paramount owns it all, I own nothing... except Brianne, she is my own creation.



by Kadith



Kathryn stepped into her quarters, a heavy sigh of relief escaped her as the doors swished shut behind her. She rolled her shoulders as she walked through the cabin, slipping off her uniform as she did so. These 10-hour bridge duty shifts were beginning to get to her. I must be getting old, she mused. She’d begun to feel extremely rundown lately, she also had her annual physical to deal with the following day, she really didn’t want to have to sit and listen to the Doctor tell her what she already knew, she needed a vacation. Kathryn also knew she would only have her quarters to herself for a few moments peace before---"MOM!" two young voices screeched as they raced into the cabin. Kathryn sighed, she’d gotten more time alone than she’d expected. She shook her head and stepped out of the bedroom, then knelt to welcome her two young sons with a hug.

Kathryn grunted as the two flung themselves into her arms, knocking her backward onto the floor. Their voices slurred together as they both began to talk at once, each getting louder as to be heard over the other. Kathryn chuckled, "Alright, alright, one at a time, Bryan you first." Bryan was her eldest son, and looked the most like his father, with dark eyes and hair, and Chakotay’s beautifully bronzed skin. However, he acted just like his mother, headstrong, stubborn, and determined to get his own way no matter what, sometimes it was hard to believe he was only 6 years old. And it was no surprise that as the first born of the couple he would be named after a significant member of the family, one that was 60 years away, his sister, Brianne. Kathryn smiled at her son, "Slow down son, now, tell me, what exactly happened in class today."

Bryan sighed and rolled his eyes, "I said, we got to take the tour of Engineering today, but they wouldn’t let us go close enough to the warp core to really see it. So Aunt B’Elanna promised that if you said it was okay she would take me down sometime so I could really see it. Well can I?

Kathryn opened her mouth to say no, but she just couldn’t, not after looking into those big brown eyes. She sighed and shook her head, "Alright, you can go, I’ll work out a time with B’Elanna."

Bryan jumped up and began bouncing around the room, "YESSS!!" to which Kathryn’s younger son frowned.

At 3 and 1/2 years old, Tristan Janeway was the baby of the family. He was also very much his father’s son, though it was apparent he also had his mother’s stubborn streak.

Kathryn let out a small sigh, "Tristan don’t start. We’ve been through this before, your brother is three years older than you, therefore he’s allowed to do things you aren’t. When you’re old enough, you too can get a tour of Engineering. Understand." The young boy’s eyes were still determined, but he nodded in acknowledgment. "Alright, you’re father should be here soon, Bryan, go finish your homework, and Tristan clean your room, so you and your brother will have some free time before dinner."

The boys hurried off, and Kathryn pulled herself up off the floor. Suddenly lightheaded, she gripped the back of a chair. Funny, she thought, I must have gotten up too quickly. When the wave passed she shook her head and moved over to sit behind her desk. The last thing she really wanted to do was work on reports, but someone had to do it. Just as she picked up the first report and began to read, the doors swished open to admit her First Officer and husband. A smile immediately lit up her face. "Well hello you." She said as she stood and walked over to greet him.

Chakotay shook his head as his arms went around her waist. "Nononononono," his eyes twinkled with silent laughter. "The last time I saw you, you were yelling something about this being your ship, and that you’d run it any damned way you saw fit, and that I should get the hell out of your ready room." His eyes narrowed playfully.

Kathryn rolled her eyes, "And as I recall, we agreed when we got married, that any disagreements we had about this ship or it’s crew would not be brought home." She pressed her body closer to his, "But, if you’d really rather sleep on the sofa tonight," she started to pull away from him.

Chakotay raised an eyebrow and held her tightly against him, "I don’t think so."

"Oh you don’t." She tried desperately to suppress a smile, her hand moving down his front, past his waist, "And why is that Commander?" Both eyebrows were raised.

Chakotay groaned, and lowered his head to hers, his lips were just barely touching hers when--"DAD!" two young voices bellowed as they entered the room.

Both parents swore under their breath as they stepped away from each other.

"Hey! you!" Chakotay called as he scooped his youngest son up and tossed him into the air. The young boy squealed but Kathryn shuddered, she’d always hated it when Chakotay did that, even though she knew he’d never drop his sons. Chakotay smiled at her expression and set the small boy back on his feet. He looked at Bryan, "Homework done?" then at Tristan, "Room clean?"

Bryan smiled weakly, "Almost"

Then Tristan, "Almost."

Kathryn shook her head, "Almost doesn’t cut it, go finish. Then you can play or whatever."

The two boys looked at their father imploringly, but he shook his head. "You heard your mother, go finish cleaning your room," he looked at Tristan, "and doing your homework," he pointed at Bryan."

The two boys rolled their eyes and groaned but went to do what they were told.

Kathryn turned back to her husband, reaching out suddenly as another wave of dizziness hit her. Chakotay put an arm around her waist, steadying her, a concerned frown etching its way onto is handsome face. "Kathryn?"

She smiled, the wave already beginning to dissipate. "It’s nothing, I was just a little dizzy for a moment, it’s gone now." She slid an arm around Chakotay’s waist as they walked toward the sofa. "I just moved too quickly, or maybe it’s because I haven’t eaten anything since this morning."

Chakotay smiled as they sat and he pulled her against him, "Or perhaps because you’ve been working way too hard lately. You really should give some thought to taking some time off."

"Chakotay please don’t lecture me, I have to see the Doctor for my physical tomorrow, and we both know I’m going to hear more than enough of that from him."

She snuggled closer to him, curling her legs under her and resting her head against his chest. "Besides, I’d much rather just sit here with you, quietly and peacefully," she smiled then added, "because we won’t have it for long."

"Alright," he chuckled, "we’ll just sit here. I can always lecture you tomorrow night." He began to stroke her hair, and grunted when she jabbed him with her elbow. Chakotay wasn’t at all surprised when she fell asleep a few minutes later. Gently he lifted her and carried her into their bedroom. After depositing her on the bed, and covering her with a light blanket, he pressed a gentle kiss against her lips. Then turned to see what he could do to keep the boys entertained enough that they wouldn’t bother Kathryn while she slept.

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Kathryn walked into sickbay, held a hand up to the doctor and said, "I know, I know, I’m late. Hold the lectures and lets just get this over with, I have an important lunch date that I’d better not miss." She smiled ruefully as she pulled herself up onto one of the bio beds.

The EMH decided it would be best not to respond, instead he reached for a scanning device and began the physical. Raising an eyebrow and "hmm’ing" here and there at the things he found. But he said nothing, and he noted that the patient was beginning to grow agitated. He smiled to himself, he did enjoy playing with this particular patient’s mind, and ego. He really loved it when annual physicals rolled around, it was the one time of the year he could lecture the Captain on her work and eating habits without the possibility of being deleted.

An hour later Kathryn was sitting in the Doctor’s office, tapping her foot impatiently. She was fifteen minutes late for her lunch date on the Holodeck with Chakotay. Finally the Doctor entered, moving quickly to sit behind his desk, a data padd in his hand. "Well?" she said, irritation tinged her voice, as well as being written all over her face.

"Well, you’re working too hard and too long. And you’re eating habits are going to have to improve." Kathryn rolled her eyes, but he wasn’t deterred. "Other than that, you’re in perfect health, but you won’t remain so and neither will the child you’re carrying. That is to say, if you don’t curb your work and eating habits, you won’t remain healthy for long." He smiled slightly at her stunned expression.

Kathryn blinked several times, "Excuse me Doctor, what did you just say?" She knew she must have heard him wrong, or perhaps there was a malfunction in his program.

The doctor arched an eyebrow, his smile broadened, "I said that unless you change your eating and working habits, your health will begin to decline."

Kathryn nodded, a relieved look began to form on her face, "That is what I thought you said."

But he quickly added, "As well as that of the child you carry." He was greatly amused by this and wasn’t bothering to hide it.

Her eyes widened, "Doctor is there something wrong with your program? I can’t be pregnant, surely you’re wrong."

The doctor shook his head, "No Captain, there is nothing wrong with my program, and you are indeed pregnant." He looked at the data padd in his hand, "Patient is human female, 49 years of age, and carrying a human fetus, gestation growth at 10.5 weeks." He smiled at her, "Congratulations Captain."

She shook her head and looked away from him, lost in thought, "This is impossible, how could I be pregnant?" She stood and turned to look out into sickbay’s main examination area. "At my age? With my schedule?" She spoke to herself, forgetting for a moment that the doctor was present.

The doctor’s smile faded, she was really upset by this news. He’d observed that with the pregnancies of her two sons she’d been ecstatic, a little shocked at first, but thrilled. That was not the case with this pregnancy. "Captain," he said softly, "If you are unwilling to carry this child, might I suggest termination."

"I just... I have to go," she said quickly exiting his office and sickbay. She canceled her meeting with Chakotay saying only that she couldn’t get away from her desk. Then she’d locked herself in her ready room, and sat on her sofa starring out at the stars as they streaked past. She was like that for hours, thinking, wondering what she was going to do. But she had no idea. If she terminated the pregnancy Chakotay would never forgive her, she wasn’t at all that sure she would be able to forgive herself. But how could she have this child, she didn’t spend nearly enough time with the two children she had now, though she loved them dearly. And at her age, what was the risk? She looked up as the chime to her door sounded, "Come in." The doors slid open to admit LieutenantCommander Torres. "What can I do for you B’Elanna?"

"Actually," the younger woman smiled, "I was wondering the same thing. You’ve been locked away in here for 6 hours, and your very annoyed, very annoying husband is down in my engineering giving my engineers a headache. I finally decided if I didn’t come up here and have you do something about him, I was going to have to kill him." She smiled ruefully. "So, what was it about?"

"What?" Kathryn shook her head.

"The fight. What were you two fighting about that was so serious you’re locked in your ready room and Chakotay is harassing the crew."

Kathryn smiled weakly, "We weren’t fighting, I canceled our lunch date and didn’t tell him why."

B’Elanna nodded slowly, "I see, if you weren’t fighting, then why did you cancel? And why did you lock yourself in you Ready Room?"

Kathryn motioned for B’Elanna to sit next to her on the sofa. She needed to talk to someone about this, and B’Elanna was a woman and a mother. And the two had become very good friends over the years, their eldest children were born within days of each other and were inseparable. "B’Elanna, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I had that physical today, and--"

B’Elanna’s eyes widened, "Is something wrong? What did the doctor say?"

"I’m pregnant." Kathryn looked out the window again, "I should be happy but, I’m not." She looked at her young friend again, "Frankly, I’m scared."

B’Elanna leaned forward to squeeze her friend’s hand, "Scared? Why? You’ve been pregnant before, unless there is something wrong with the baby?"

"No," Kathryn said shaking her head. "There’s nothing wrong with the baby. But when I had the boys I wasn’t almost 50 years old." She sighed as she stood and began to pace the office. "B’Elanna, I barely have enough time to spend with the two I already have, what am I going to do with a third?"

"I don’t know," B’Elanna shook her head. "But it sounds like you’ve already made up your mind. You’re going to terminate aren’t you?"

Kathryn nodded and whispered, "Yes." Then she turned away, "But I don’t know what I’m going to tell Chakotay."

"Tell him the truth, that’s all you really can do." B’Elanna said standing. "He loves you, and he may be disappointed, and hurt, but nothing could take him from you."

Kathryn smiled at her friend, "Thanks B’Ela, I think I just needed to hear it."

"Anytime. You know, why don’t we go grab the kids, then we can have dinner. You can calm down, and then tonight you can talk to Chakotay."

She smiled, "Alright, that sounds good to me." B’Elanna smiled back at her and the two ladies left the ready room and went to retrieve their children.

Half an hour later they were seated in Kathryn and Chakotay’s quarters watching Bryan and B’Elanna’s eldest Kaitlin play keep away with Tristan. Kathryn held her aching sides, trying unsuccessfully to stop her giggles. Watching them, her thoughts drifted to another child of hers, one she may never see again.



Kathryn laughed as she watched her 7-year-old daughter playing with her 4-year-old niece. They were cousins but any who didn’t know them, they would have thought them siblings. Kathryn shook her head as she watched the 4-year-old Kristen successfully tackle Brianne, both girls tumbling to the ground. She couldn’t remember what her life had been like before having Brianne, and it made her shudder to think what her life would be like now had she opted to abort. Now she couldn’t even remember why she’d considered it an option.

Brianne trotted over and plopped down in the grass next to her mother. "Mom," she said breathlessly, "When is lunch? We’re starving."

Kathryn laughed and looked over her shoulder, Gretchen appeared on the porch, as if on cue, to call them in. "Well, why don’t we go ask your grandmother," she said as she stood, and shook her head as the two children ran ahead of her. Her mother’s soft laughter told her that lunch was indeed ready. What would I do without her, she thought, watching Brianne.



Kathryn closed her eyes as realization struck her. She sighed wistfully, "I can’t do it." Her hand rested unconsciously against her abdomen.

B’Elanna turned to her with a baffled expression, "What?"

Kathryn smiled, "How could I have ever thought about terminating this pregnancy. I couldn’t do it 21 years ago, and I can’t do it now. Look at them B’Elanna, how could I. I love my children and my husband too much to deny this child a life. Besides, one more child in my life isn’t going to make that much of a difference to my hectic schedule."

B’Elanna smiled, "I’m glad you realized that before it was too late." She was about to say more, but the doors opened and Chakotay stepped in. B’Elanna stood, "Kaitlin and I need to be getting back to our own quarters, Tom will be waiting for us." With that she retrieved the 6-year-old girl and left.

Kathryn smiled at her husband and looked at her children, "Bryan, Tristan, gather your toys and go play in your room." The two laughing boys did as they were told, glad to get out of their parents sight so they could play carelessly.

"Hi," Kathryn said as she stood and walked to him. "Chakotay I’m sorry about this afternoon. And I can explain; I just needed some time alone, to think."

"I see." Chakotay said, walking past her to place a few data padds on his desk. Then he turned to face her, an eyebrow raised. "About?"

"About, my visit with the doctor," she began slowly, she hoped he wasn’t too angry with her. It wasn’t like him to be this closed off. "I just needed to sort out my thoughts before--"

"Before what?" his voice was clipped. "Save it. I’ve already spoken with the Doctor. I did that after you canceled our afternoon, I was actually worried about you."

Kathryn frowned, "What do you mean you spoke with the doctor? What did he tell you?" a shudder ran up her spine.

"Oh, nothing much. Just that my wife was 10 weeks pregnant, and that she wasn’t planning on having it. Like I said, nothing much." He walked past her into their bedroom where he began to take off his uniform.

Kathryn sighed and hurried after him, "Chakotay it isn’t like that at all. Yes, I was concerned, and shocked." She couldn’t look at him, so she moved to stare out the portal. "And scared, I’m not as young as I used to be, or as I’d like to be. Yes, I was planning to terminate the pregnancy, but--"

"But what Kathryn, were you at least going to tell me." He moved to stand directly behind her, but he wasn’t touching her. "Kathryn, I’m not sure which makes me angrier, the fact that you would kill our child, or that you weren’t going to talk to me before making that decision."

She turned to face him, her cheeks damp. "That’s just it Chakotay, I didn’t make that decision, well I did, but I couldn’t go through with it. I don’t think I ever could have. As far as not talking to you about it, I didn’t know how I felt, much less what I was going to say to you." She turned back to stare out the window, she raised a hand to rest against the cool glass, "I was afraid because I don’t know what’s going to happen. Chakotay I’m almost 50 years old and I’m pregnant, and I’m scared, and I wasn’t just thinking about myself. I was thinking about you and the boys as well, and this baby. Chakotay, you know better than anyone else how hectic my schedule is. I was afraid I wouldn’t have enough time to split between three children, you, and the ship." She turned to stare into his eyes, "My god Chakotay what if something went wrong? What would Tristan and Bryan do if they lost me, what of you?" The tears began to soak her cheeks as the dam opened and they spilled forth. "I can’t stand the thought of leaving any of you. Chakotay what would you do with an infant? And if I lived, Chakotay, I don’t know what I’d do if I lost this child then."

He pulled her into his arms, wondering how he could have been angry with her, he knew how Kathryn felt about her family. He should have known she wasn’t being selfish. "I’m sorry," he whispered into her hair. "Kathryn, everything is going to be alright. We are not going to lose you, or this child. You know I won’t let that happen. And you also know that if this were too dangerous the Doctor wouldn’t permit it." He lifted her tear streaked face so that he could look into her eyes. "I know you Kathryn, I know what your family means to you. And I know you’ll fight to the end to keep it together. And we both know that once the doctor learns you’re keeping this child, he’s going to start planning your schedule himself. He’s more of a mother hen than you are."

Kathryn managed a smile, "Sometimes I wonder if I should grant B’Elanna the ultimate wish, and let her ‘play around’ with his program." Then she grew serious once more, "I love you." She lifted a hand to his cheek, "I was just afraid that no matter what I did, I’d end up hurting you."

Chakotay took her hand and kissed the palm, "Kathryn, the only way you could hurt me was by not talking to me. By not letting me know what is bothering you. It only hurts me when I know there is something wrong, and you won’t let me help."

She slid her arms around his waist and buried her face in the crook of his neck. "I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to say."

He rested his cheek against her soft hair, and held her tightly, "There really isn’t anything else to say, except I love you Kathryn. And I’m never going to let you go."

They stood there for a while, wrapped in each other’s arms. It was Kathryn who finally spoke, "When do you think we should tell the boys?" She pulled back to study his face.

Chakotay smiled, "Now, if they’re still awake," then he stopped, "Unless you’d rather wait?"

She shook her head, "No, now is good." Chakotay smiled and kissed her gently before they moved into the other room to speak to the boys.

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"Actually it went very well," Kathryn told her friend as she and B’Elanna sat in the ready room going over Engineering reports. "I wish you’d been there, it was adorable," she laughed softly, "Tristan just sort of stared at me, he didn’t really know what to think. And Bryan, well, we went through this with him when I was pregnant with Tristan. So he took it upon himself to explain it to Tristan. Chakotay and I were laughing so hard later that we nearly collapsed from oxygen deprivation."

B’Elanna was laughing so hard she could barely speak, "I can imagine."

"Oh, that isn’t even the best part, poor Tristan. When Bryan was finished explaining it, Tristan just sort of looked at me and said, This isn’t fair, this means I’m not the youngest anymore. How am I supposed to go on if I’m not the youngest anymore. Only the youngest gets his way all the time. At which Bryan told him to, deal with it. Up until that point, Chakotay and I had been biting our tongues to keep from laughing, but we doubled over at the look on Tristan’s face. He thought his world had just come to an end. At which point, well, once we’d stopped laughing so hard we could speak, we had to assure him he was very important to us, and that he’d never gotten his way all the time." She shook her head, "Of course Bryan chose that moment to jump in and say, nope kid, they're just easy parents."

B’Elanna nearly fell out of her chair she was laughing so hard. When she could finally breathe again she said, "Only you and Chakotay could have children like those two. They are definitely something."

"They are that," Kathryn said as she stood, picking up her teacup she moved over to the sofa, motioning B’Elanna to follow her. "I don’t know what I’d do without them," she said once she’d sat and curled her legs under her. She sighed and stared out the portal at the stars.

"You’re thinking about Brianne, aren’t you?" B’Elanna said softly. She’d been shocked when she’d learned of the daughter the Captain had left behind in the Alpha Quadrant. That had been almost seven years ago, and she’d had a new respect for the woman that was her Captain since then. B’Elanna knew how hard it had been for Kathryn to open up and allow Chakotay into her life, she also knew it had been equally hard to admit her vulnerability and selfishness to the crew when they’d learned of Brianne. Up until that point, getting home had been something she was working to for them, but when they’d learned of Brianne, they’d learned it was just as equally, if not more so for herself. And that failing would crush her.

Kathryn smiled at her young friend, "Yes, she never leaves my mind. I was just wondering what she was doing now. My god B’Elanna," she took a deep breath, "she’s 21 years old now. I just wonder what she’s doing, is she at the academy? Is she married? Does she have children of her own, if not, is she planning to?" Kathryn shook her head, "There are so many things I’d like--need to know."

"And you’re worried," B’Elanna admitted for her. "Worried she won’t except your new family."

"Yes, I worry about that," she replied, "And I hope she’ll understand." Kathryn closed her eyes for a moment. "You can’t begin to imagine how difficult it is sometimes. I can look at Bryan or Tristan, and for a split second there she is. They are so much like their sister, not so much in appearance, but their personalities. And I begin to wonder if I’ll ever see her again."

B’Elanna leaned forward and squeezed her friend’s hand, "You will," she smiled and repeated herself, "you will." Her response was a teary-eyed smile.

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The months rolled by quickly, first one, then two became three. Kathryn and Chakotay argued over names, and whether they’d have another boy, or if Kathryn would get a girl. And as the child within her grew, so did Kathryn. But at 6 months pregnant, Kathryn was large enough to have been carrying an 8-month fetus. Bryan pretended not to be interested, and Tristan found the entire concept fascinating, more so the first time he felt the baby move. Kathryn, who was already suffering from back aches and swollen ankles, just wanted it to be over with. And of course, Chakotay thought it was funny. Kathryn thought Chakotay was an idiot.

The doctor, however, was baffled. His patient’s weight gain should not have been so high. He had placed her on a strict diet at the beginning of her pregnancy, which she assured him she had not deviated from. So, that only left one alternative, perhaps he’d been missing something. He’d called the Captain in to sickbay, and after assuring her that nothing was wrong with the child she carried, began to run a few scans. What he found was... interesting, but would his patient think so.

"Well?" Kathryn said impatiently, growing agitated at the smug look on the doctor’s face. She did not have time for these ‘games’ of his, perhaps for her birthday she’d give Torres the gift of reprogramming him.

"I discovered what caused the unusual weight gain," the doctor said triumphantly.

"And?" She fought back the urge to grit her teeth.

"It’s really not that uncommon, the fetus has shifted its position recently and I was finally able to detect... its twin." He smiled nonchalantly and continued his report, "You’ll be happy to know that both fetuses are in perfect health and developing on schedule, I foresee no complications, and at this point I expect the pregnancy will last to term."

Kathryn blinked, opened her mouth to speak several times, but shut it each time. She looked away from him, in obvious shock.

The doctor’s smile broadened, "Problems, Captain?"

"No, not at all." She turned and left sickbay, a stunned expression on her face. She went back to her quarters where Chakotay waited. Upon entering she sank into the sofa, there it finally hit her. Forgetting that Chakotay was sitting at his desk she spoke to herself. "This isn’t happening. It can’t be, surely he’s just playing with my mind. Maybe Tom’s been messing with his program, or perhaps Harry."

Chakotay looked up, a baffled expression on his face. "Kathryn?" but she didn’t answer him, just sat there, starring at nothing in particular, and muttering to herself. Growing concerned he moved to sit beside her, and placing a hand on her shoulder he shook her slightly. "Kathryn? Is something wrong?"

She looked at him, then shrugged, "No, nothing is wrong. The doctor just told me I’m having twins, but other than that... no, life seems pretty normal."

Chakotay tried to suppress his laughter, "He told you that we’re having twins?"

Kathryn nodded than leaned over, letting her head fall into his lap, "Oh god, oh god, oh god. Chakotay this isn’t happening. You know I’m going to love them with all that I am, but... My god! Where the hell am I going to find time to raise four children, run a ship, and be married to you."

Chakotay chuckled softly, "I’m sorry Kathryn, I didn’t know being married to me was that difficult. If you like I can always leave."

Kathryn pinned him with glare. "You know what I mean, and don’t you even think about leaving. These are your four children too, and there is no way in hell you are leaving me to raise them by myself," she smiled ruefully, the initial shock wearing off, "Besides, I kinda like ya. I might wanna keep ya for a while." They laughed together, and she lay there for a few moments, her head resting in his lap, a hand resting on her swollen abdomen. "Chakotay I just realized something, when the twins are born, I’m going to be a mother of five." She lifted herself into a sitting position, and reached for him. "Chakotay, how did I become a mother of five?" she looked at him in mock horror, "What did I let you do to me?"

Chakotay laughed and pulled her into his lap, so that she sat across his lap, and he was cradling her. "Are you alright with this?"

She nodded, "I’m alright with it, but seriously Chakotay, where am I going to find the time?"

"You’re just going to have to stop taking so much of the responsibility on yourself, and let me help. That’s what I’m here for Kathryn."

She smiled and snuggled close to him, well as close as her swollen belly would allow. "I know Chakotay, that’s why I love you so much." Then she started laughing, "Oh wait till we tell the boys about this, we thought the initial announcement was fun." Kathryn shook her head, "Tristan is just going to love this. I can just here him now, is that possible?" Kathryn imitated her youngest.

Chakotay giggled and nodded, "Speaking of which, they should be home any minute. Do you want to tell them tonight?"

Kathryn shrugged, "Why not? Like I said, this is going to be fun."

Chakotay held her closer, "Alright then m’love, tonight it is."

Kathryn giggled and shook her head vigorously, "Uh uh, the last time you said that to me, we woke up married."

Chakotay grinned, remembering the night they’d had just a little too much Irish Whiskey, and then decided to hell with the wedding, writing the vows, and dress uniforms. They’d canceled the wedding and gone to Tuvok’s quarters and had him marry them on the spot. But they’d definitely gone ahead with the reception, or at least the crew had. They’d simply made a brief appearance. "Well at least this time we can’t say to hell with it and just get it over with, we have to actually wait, and go through the whole process."

Kathryn sighed in mock disappointment, "Stinks doesn’t it?" The couple laughed once more then sat and held each other as they waited for their sons to arrive.

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"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Kathryn shrieked as another contraction ripped its way through her body. She’d been in labor for 8 hours, and there was no end in sight, but they’d been through this twice already so she should have expected it.

Chakotay on the other hand, was just smiling and nodding as he held his wife’s hands and supported her back. He knew exactly what to expect from her, he knew when to ignore her and when to duck. With their first child, it had been different, he’d been a nervous wreck. At one point he’d actually told the doctor, "Excuse me, we’ve decided not to go through with this, please move aside, I’m taking my wife out of here." At which Kathryn had slapped him and shouted, "You’re a little late, don’t you think."

Kathryn screamed again, her nails biting into Chakotay’s flesh. "You are never touching me again," she vowed. "Never, never... NEVER!!!" she screamed as the pain shot through her.

"Yes of course Kathryn, whatever you say," he’d heard that line before. Then he shook his head as the doctor once again told her to push.

"I AM PUSHING!! YOU OVERSIZED TRICORDER!!" Kathryn bore down, stray tendrils of auburn hair clinging to her sweat soaked face as they escaped her pony tail. Then she leaned back against Chakotay, panting as the contraction subsided, "We are never doing this again," she managed. Then she had to lean forward to push once more, a mixture of curses, prayers, and promises escaping her throat.

The first of the twins made its way into the world 30 minutes later, but the second was a bit more complicated. The doctor had expected it to be. As he handed the screaming infant to Chakotay he spoke frankly. "I’m afraid we have a slight complication with the second infant, I was expecting it, and its a common occurrence. Due to the lack of room in the uterus, the other twin was unable to reposition itself for delivery and as a result is in a breech position. I’m going to need to perform a cesarean, but I want you to know that the child is alright, it shows no signs of abnormal stress."

Chakotay’s eyes met Kathryn’s, she nodded, but it was him that spoke. "Of course Doctor, do what you need to."

The doctor turned and began to gather the instruments he’d need for the procedure, speaking as he did so. "You should understand Captain, you’ll be awake during the procedure. But of course you will not feel anything. The anesthetic should completely numb your body from the chest down."

Kathryn nodded, "I understand," her voice was tired, and a bit weak. As the doctor prepared her for the procedure, Chakotay sat beside her, placing the tiny infant on her chest. Kathryn felt the doctor inject her with a hypospray, and almost immediately her body grew numb. Within a few moments she felt nothing below her chest. She could pressure being applied to her abdomen and there was a slight tingling sensation, it was really quite odd, but there was no pain.

An hour later, Kathryn was holding one child in her arms, while Chakotay held another, and the doctor was closing the incision. Kathryn couldn’t believe how tiny they were, each barely weighing 6 lbs. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she looked at first one infant, and then the other. And finally at her husband, "I love you," she whispered.

Chakotay leaned forward and kissed her gently. "Alright," he said looking at his wife and their two newest family members. "We need names for these two."

"You’re right," Kathryn said and tried to suppress a yawn. She was pale, and tired, and a little weak. And in a few hours she was going to hurt like hell. "Well, any ideas?"

"Hmmm." Chakotay thought about it for a while, they’d been debating on names for months. They thought they’d finally decided on them, but those names were unsuitable now. "How about," he looked at the child in his arms, "Shanna for this one?" He looked at Kathryn.

She nodded, "I like that." She looked at the tiny infant in her own arms, "And Kayla for this one?"

Chakotay smiled, "I like it." Then leaned forward and kissed his wife again, "Well m’love, looks like you finally got another girl, or should I say girls."

Kathryn grinned, "Yes I did, and they are both very beautiful."

"Just like you." Chakotay added.

Kathryn gazed at their identical faces, they were dark skinned, with dark hair, but their eyes were her shade of blue. "I had a little help." She smiled at him, "And Chakotay?"

"Yes Kathryn?"

"I meant every word I said, we are NEVER doing this again."

He chuckled, "Agreed. Besides, I don’t think I could take it."

"You?" she said, "I’m the one who had to carry them for nine months, and go through labor."

Chakotay was going to reply, but shook his head as Kathryn yawned. "You need to rest. We’ll finish this ‘discussion’ later."

Kathryn nodded, yawning again. The pain medication the doctor had given her before leaving them alone with the babies had made her drowsy. "Alright, later." She watched as he placed one of the girls in a small bassinet, then handed him the second, which he placed next to the first. "Chakotay," she began, "how are we going to tell them apart?"

He shrugged, "I’m not sure, we’ll think of something." Then he leaned over her, and pressed his lips to hers. "Sleep, we’ll talk about it later."

She nodded, already halfway there. She gazed at her daughters for a moment, she always ended up making the right decisions when it came to her children. Then she thought of another child, so far away, not even a child anymore. Please understand, and no matter what, don’t forget I love you, that could never stop. Then she drifted off into a peaceful, much needed slumber.



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