I am very proud of my family and thought I would like to show them off!

I wasn't going to put any pictures of myself on this page, but under heavy duress I finally agreed to put in a page of just me.  Hope you enjoy!!  haha


This is my son, Dan - my one and only. And I am as proud of him as any mother could be. Since he is in his twenties, I am now patiently waiting for him to find that "special" someone and start giving me grandbabies.

                                       My sister Kim's family.


This is my nephew, Nick.   He is 19 years old, a sophomore in college, 
Quite the "hunk" don't cha think?!

This is my niece, Beki, who also happens to be Nick's sister.  She is 10 years old and is in the Fifth Grade. 



My sister Missy's family.


This is my nephew, Mike, who is almost 16 years old.  He is in the tenth grade. People Beware - it's almost Driver's License time!! 

This is my niece, Kristin.  She is 14 years old and is a ninth grader.
This is my niece, Kelly.  She is 12 years old and is in sixth grade.

My "niece" Renae's family.


This is my nephew, Billy.  He is 12 years old and is in the sixth grade.  He and his sister and brother live in Kentucky, so I don't get to visit with them as often as I would like.
This is my niece, Leslee who also just happens to be the sister of Billy and Robby.  She is 10 years old and is in the Fifth Grade.
This is my nephew, Robby.  The "baby" of the family.  But don't tell him that - he is definitely no baby!  He is 8 years old and is currently attending Third Grade.
My niece Heidi's family


This is my great-nephew, Cory.  He is nine years old and is in Third Grade.
This is my great-niece, Jenna.  She is a whole four years old.  She is is your typical four year old - getting  into everything. She is quite the Mommy's girl!
This is my great-niece, Sarah.  She is growing in leaps and bounds.  She has just turned one year old.  This picture almost makes her look like a doll to be played with, don't cha think?
My niece Jennifer's family


This is my great-nephew, Tyler.   He is four years old and is the son of Jennifer, who is the older sister of Nick and Beki. 
This is my great-niece, Elizabeth. She looks like a little angel doesn't she? She is definitely developing her own personality and is quite a "Papa's" girl.  She also has just turned one year old. 
My nephew Marks's family.


This is my great-niece, Hailey.  She is now celebrating her third birthday.  They sure don't stay little long.  She is a very happy little girl and smiles all the time!
My niece Emmy's family


This is my great-niece, Jaid Alyce.  She is now a whole 2 years old.  What you can't see in this picture is the blossoming of her own personality.  Her mommy says she gets into everything!


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