Personal Info Page

Well, here I am.  Personal Info, huh?  Just how personal should I get?!  Here are the basics:

I'm over fifty, I've had my thirtieth wedding anniversary, I live in Michigan, and I teach Microsoft applications at a local university.

My family is VERY important to me and I am also VERY proud of them.  I only show the pictures of the "little" ones.  Otherwise the page would be TOO large.

Click here to see the kiddies

the family pics


Go to CCCC

I love my church and because of this I love to share all knowledge of it.  I invite you to learn all you can about it.

Click on the picture to the left.



This is a tribute to all the children that have died before their time at the hands of other children. Please take a moment to listen to the music and read the tributes.

Click on the picture to the right to see.
(the sound file is MP3 and takes a while to load.)

Children's Tribute Page


This is the city I live near.  The actual town I live in is very small and is about 20 miles outside of Grand Rapids, which is actually the second largest city in Michigan, and is still growing.          


Davenport College

Davenport University is where I work.  I teach Microsoft applications such as Access, Excel, Basic and Advanced Word, PowerPoint, and I teach PageMaker which is a Desktop Publishing application.  I also attend the University, to continue my own education.  Currently I am seeking my Masters degree.  When finished, I will have my MBA in E-Business.


Even though I work at Davenport University, my family and I have always been avid fans of the two major Universities in Michigan: Michigan State University and the University of Michigan.   I'm sure you've heard of them.  Even though my family has always cheered for the University of Michigan, I still cheer for Michigan State when they play, except for when the two schools play each other.  Then it's the U of M all the way!!

  Michigan State University          University of Michigan  

I was in high school when Star Trek first came out and boy was I hooked.  I sat each and every Thursday night in front of the TV in total awe.  I had never seen another program like this and it made me feel like there might actually be a future for everyone.  You have to understand, I grew up during the turbulent sixties where we had assassinations, hippies, flower children, race riots, protest marches, and many other things.  It's a wonder that any of us grew up to be "normal" people.

For many years I was what was known as a "closet trekkie."   I was constantly being told to "grow up" or "get a life."   It wasn't until the Internet became popular that my family changed their views.   All of a sudden, they were proud of the fact that I was communicating and making friends from all over the world, and all because of my Star Trek addiction.  Most of them still don't understand what it is that I do on the computer, but they're proud none the less.

Over the years, I went to every Star Trek movie at least a half a dozen times trying to ease my withdrawal.  I dragged my best friend with me even though she had no idea what was happening on the screen.  But she still went just because it was important to me.  Thank you Laura - your friendship is very important to me.

Then all of a sudden I discovered a whole new world:   Fanzines!  I could read to my heart's content and never tire of reading new stories about my favorite characters.  It was shortly after this that TNG came out and a new addiction started.  TNG hooked me more than what TOS ever did.  I fell in love with the characters and it became almost an obsession with me to watch it.   Oh how I love those obsessions!!

I started watching Voyager when it first came out.   Recently we moved out in the country where I am not able to get a cable TV connection.  So instead we got Primestar.  The only problem with Primestar is that it doesn't have a UPN station on its lineup.  Whoo-hoo they have recently run cable in front of our house.  Digital cable at that! I can now watch Voyager to my heart's content - now that it will be in its last season.  With my luck, I'll have to teach a class on Wednesday nights.

If by chance you find you have the same interests as me, write me and let me know.  If you want to write me and tell me what an idiot or fool I am, feel free to do that too.  It won't be the first time I've heard it.  But let me warn you, I bite back!!!

E-Mail Address:

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