A Star Trek: The Next Generation story
                                          written by B.A. Lopez


Legal Disclaimer: Paramount owns everything that can possibly make money in the Trek Universe. This is solely intended for non-money-making purposes to amuse myself and my friends w/o having to spend any money myself. And since this didn't cost ya a dime, go buy FULLY licensed stuff to appease the Trek Deity. And remember they (Paramount) may own all the legal rights, etc., etc., but since no one holds the rights your imaginations, keep imagining . . .

Author Notes: this story takes place immediately following the events depicted in the movie, "Generations." There are no big battle scenes, come to think of it, there's barely any ships involved at all. But if you don't think Trek isn't about the characters, read anything by Peter 'The Great' David. This story is about the aftermath of the battles, the hero's homecoming, the court-martial, the future . . .

Chapter 1 - Aftermath & Prelude
Chapter 2 - Star Liner
Chapter 3 - LeBarre: Winter Homecoming
Chapter 4 - Tides & Torrents
Chapter 5 - Windows
Chapter 6 - Deliver(ance)
Chapter 7 - Under the Stars
Chapter 8 - Visitors- Family
Chapter 9 - Visitors- Willcall
Chapter 10 - Sunday Dinner
Chapter 11 - Monday Morning/Closed Session
Chapter 12 - Lost Men/Lost Ships
Chapter 13 - Man & Machine
Chapter 14 - Take Out
Chapter 15 - Lost Ships/Lost Men
Chapter 16 - Distances & Decisions
Chapter 17 - Decisions
Chapter 18 - Audacter Ire*
*BTW, 'audacter ire' translated from the Latin simply means, 'to boldly go.'

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